Chapter 2 "Please Help!"

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* Justin's P.O.V *

I was walking peacefully through town when my phone started to ring..

"Justin where are you!?!?!? You have no security you could get mobbed!!"

I giggled "mom I'm fine I just went for a walk I got my hat on along with my sunglasses I'm good I promise, I love you" I hung up and put my phone in my pocket. I was walking when I saw a school guess this was kids last day cause Its summer already everywhere else'

I turned around the corner and there to my surprise were paparazzi... "Shit..." I said to myself I tried to back away quietly when a little boy yelled "LOOK IT'S JUSTIN BIEBER!!!!" my face just dropped! I was almost out there..... The pap started running towards me throwing questions in my face and snapping pictures. I decided to run thro the school parking lot which probably was the stupidest thing ever because of the amount of screams I got... I think people liked me there ...

I turned around still running the see if the pap was close when I bumped into someone totally knocking them off there feet! Oh my god are you ok?!?!?!?" I said the girl was.... Gorgeous.... So beautiful... "Yeah um I'm fine" I helped her up and put my glasses back on. "Are you sure your ok?!?!?" I looked into her eyes "yeah I'm fi-" she looked at me with a giant smile over her face "justin!?" She yelled I smiled "yeah... I see you know me" she was speechless which made me giggle cause of the cute look she gave me. "Hey um can I ask a question it's a big emergency!!" She looked confused... "Yeah Justin... Anything for you!" You don't know how happy I was to hear her say that! "GREAT! Oh my gosh umm do you have a car!?" She nodded "YES great! Um can I have a ride somewhere?? I was walking and the pap found me! Please help.!!?!"She grabbed my arm and started running "sure! This way!" I noticed her friend was with her she was pretty! She had a smile on her face so I'm guessing they were big fans.. I hopped in the passenger seat as she started the car...

* Emily's P.O.V *

I asked Justin where he needed to go and he told me.... "The hotel on 5th street." I smiled and started driving it was kinda silent so I decided to break it.. "Umm hey Justin do you mind if I turn on the radio.." He smiled "Not at all!! Go ahead!! It is your car" I smiled and flicked on a radio station. "Ok guys so here is the song that sweeping the nation Beauty and a beat by Justin Bieber!!! A smile went across mine Ciannas and Justins face

"Oh my god I love this song!!" Cianna said "Me to" Justin said with a wink. I couldn't believe Justin bieber was sitting in my car it was just to crazy!! We all sung the song until the chores when Justin shut off the radio and just started singing it freely with no music..

"Cause Allllll I need is a beauty and a beat. Who can make my life complete!!! It's all bout you when the music makes you move baby do it like you dooooooo!!"

He turned it back on and smiled at me.. "Oh.My.God" Cianna said with a smile on her face.. Justin turned to me "you guys like that?" He winked at us "yes of course we are big fans"I blurted out "oh really never would've guessed...... Nice shirt by the way." I looked down and noticed I was wearing my purple Justin Bieber shirt... I blushed.. "Aww Em he made you blush!!!" Cianna said giggling Justin looked at me and smiled "AWEE I MADE YOU BLUSH!"

I had no idea what to say so I just kept driving with a smile on my face...

*Justins P.O.V *

We got to the hotel and there were fans everywhere!! "Oh my god..' I couldn't believe how many fans there were!!! "Hey Em pull around back and we will go through the under ground tunnel" she nodded and drove around back when she was stopped by security "um Hi I have mr. Justin Bieber here with me and we can't get through the front because of fans so we thought it would be safer to come around back" Emily said with a smile on her face "oh ok brb while I go call my girlfriend Oprah!!" The security said with an attitude "now you crazy Beleibers, Bieber fans or whatever that 19 year old calls you and go take a hike!! Because none of you crazy weirdos are getting through!!!" I couldn't believe my ears I ripped off my sunglasses and my hat and looked at the guy. "first of all Buddie don't you ever!!!! Talk to my fans like that again!! Second we are trying to get here SAFELY and I suggest you let us through or you will be hearing from my manager!!! Now do we have an deal!!!!!!!!" The mans face just dropped "of course mr. Bieber I'm sorry....." He opened the door and Emily drove down. As soon as she rolled up the window we all burst into laughter "oh my god that was so funny!!" Emily yelled

"I'm sorry..... I didn't mean for him to talk to you guys like that..." I looked down at my feet disappointed "No Justin it's ok we don't care about him he can call us whatever he wants" Cianna said Emily nodded her head in agreement...

We pulled up by the door I had to go in and me and Emily got out as Cianna stayed in the car, "thank you so much Emily I can't thank you enough for getting me out of there" she smiled "no problem Justin anything for you.." I grabbed my phone and handed it to her she smiled huge and handed hers to me. I put as my name 'Mr.Biebs' and added my number, I snapped a photo of myself and pressed save, she handed my phone back and she did the same, a cute pic of herself her number and her name 'Emily Bieber(;'

"Thanks" I said with a smile, I gave her a big hug and took a picture with her, I kissed her on the cheek and started to walk off when I got a text "Just wanted to make sure you didn't give me a fake numeber... See you around Biebs(; " I turned around and flashed her a wink and ran off.. I think I like this girl... Wow she just so.... Beautiful...


There is Chapter 2!!!!!! Hope you like it!!!!! Remember to



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