Chapter Five: Departure

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The next morning he wakes before his alarm has gone off, his heart pumping, and he packs methodically, forcing his suitcase shut on all of Taehyung's things.

He'd arranged last night for his father to drive them to the bus station in town. There's an early bus they can catch to the train station in the city.

Taehyung is feeding the lamb when he walks into the kitchen, apparently having heated up milk on the stove all by himself.

"She was making all this noise," he says. "I got her water and... well..." He nods to a bowl of grass.

Hoseok stifles a laugh in his hand.

"She ate some of it," Taehyung says. "And I lit the fire because I thought she might be cold, but it kept going out so I gave her a blanket. Morning, hyung."

"Morning," Hoseok chuckles. He's feeling better knowing they'll be gone from this place in a few hours time. He bends down and kisses Taehyung quickly. "How are you feeling?"

"Okay," Taehyung mumbles. "I think I need to come to terms with everything too. It's weird... not having a home. But I'm okay. I have a bunch of jobs I've applied to."

"You'll get one of them," Hoseok says. "I know you will."

When his parents come down, they all have breakfast together and his mother exclaims in delight when she sees Taehyung's fed the lamb. She seems to really be warming to him.

Hoseok can't say the same of his father, who gives a noncommittal grunt when Taehyung asks if he needs any help with the animals this morning.

"Go out with him, honey," Hoseok's mother says, giving Taehyung a little push. "He's getting old, but he won't admit it. He needs help." Two hours later, after Taehyung has said goodbye to the lamb (and, apparently, the rest of the animals judging by the eye roll his father gives Hoseok) they climb into the old land-rover, Hoseok in the front seat, Tae in the back.

Hoseok's father must really be glad they're leaving because he actually clears his throat and talks to Taehyung as they trundle and bump along the old roads. They talk about animals. Taehyung tells his father about his brief job at a veterinary clinic. He'd been the receptionist, but it hadn't worked out because when there wasn't anyone to be served, he'd leave the desk to play with the nearest dog or cat or bird that was waiting to be seen. Then he'd forget to go back to the desk when someone needed serving.

At the end of this short story, Hoseok's father actually takes his eyes off the road and looks at Taehyung while he responds. "Sounds like you should work with animals."

"I know, but there's so many qualifications you need to be a vet. I'm no good with exams. At all."

"Me either," his father says. "Wasted half my life on that junk. Only passed the basics."

"Really? But don't you need something to be a farmer and look after all the animals?"

Hoseok's father shrugs. "No. Just need to register the farm as an agricultural holding and make sure you feed and keep the animals clean and healthy. Simple really. Doesn't need all that smart-ass science mathematics geography crap."


"Wow, indeed."

They pull up at the bus stop an hour later, just as Hoseok's father and Taehyung are beginning to discuss how to properly take care of horses.

Hoseok's father gets the suitcase out of the back for them and shakes Taehyung's hand. "Hope whatever trouble you're in works out, son."

Taehyung smiles, clutching his pot plant. "I'm sure it will. Thank you so much for letting me stay and help with the animals. I had a lovely time."

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