Harder To Breathe - Chapter Twenty-One

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Melanie's POV

*CATCH UP* Let me catch you guys up real quick on the past three days. Wes and I haven't had a legit conversation since I told Carly off the other day in the kitchen. I got my memory back and he just said 'I'm glad' and then left to go to the studio. Isn't that cool? I got my sling taken off and that's replaced with a bandage but I'm still on crutches. Iman and Drew are back together and I'm beyond stoked for them and they went and got a apartment in Venice Beach. The boys are going on tour soon and I doubt I was going to go with them because I'm walking on grenades with Wes. I tried to explain why I said what I said and he doesn't even listen when I talk. Like, I have a cut on my face from Carly and he thinks I cut it when I was sleeping or something. Like what type of bullshit is that?

-3 Days Later-

"What is there to understand? You told her she could get trampled by cows and you wouldn't care!" Wes screamed from the other side  of the room.

"Because Wes, she's freaking evil!" I yelled

"Evil? What the hell? Carly is from evil, she wouldn't kill a fly." he shot back

"I dont even want to have this argument right now." I told him putting in my earphones but they were only in for a max of 5seconds because Wesley snatched them out and threw them.

"No, we're going to talk. I want to know why you have an issue with Carly and she hasn't done anything to you." he shouted in my face.

"I dont have a problem with Carly, Wesley. She HATES me for god fucking sakes. You just dont want to believe it because she's your friend." I shot back.

"So tell me Melanie, why would she hate you and how do you know?" he asked.

Wesleys POV

"Alright you really want to know how I know?" Melanie asked and I could tell she was pissed. I was just so tired of how she was acting. If Carly was going to be somewhere she wouldn't go, If I brought up Carly's name she just put her headphones in and tuned me out.

"I do." I responded

"She hates me because of you Wes. She is in freaking love with you and she hates the fact that I have you and she's not going to be happy until I'm out of the picture and you two are together. She's the reason I have this cut on my face, this damn cast on my leg, why my ribs hurt to the point I cant breathe." she yelled.

"Wh-what are you trying to say?" I stammered

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND WESLEY TRENT STROMBERG. CARLY IS A CRAZY BITCH. SHE'S NOT THE SWEET GIRL THAT YOU WERE COOL WITH AND HELPED YOU GET OVER TRACIE. SHE'S C-R-A-Z-Y. SHE KNEW THE PERSON THE HIT MY CAR AND ALMOST KILLED ME. ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!" Mel screamed shaking and crying and I just sat there in shock. Carly couldn't have done that. She's not that type of person. Or would she? That kind of sums up how weird she was being at the barbeque and these past few days. I got up without saying anything and began walking out the door. "Of course Wes. Just walk out. It's fine." I heard Melanie yell but I couldn't stop because I had to get to the bottom of this.

I took the keys off the counter and headed to the car and drove off. Once I got to a stop sign, I took out my phone and dialed Carly's number.

"Hey Wes!"

"Wassup Carl? You home?"

"Yea, why what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Is it cool if I come over?"

"Yea, you know you can come over whenever."

"Alright, I'm down the street so I'll see you in like 2 minutes"

"Okay" she said and I hung up the phone. So much shit was going through my head and I didn't know what to do. What of Carly did set everything up so Mel could get into the accident? What if Mel was lying? No, Mel would never lie like that she loves me. I pulled into Carly's driveway got out the car and knocked on the door.


"How's it going Wes?" she asked smiling and sitting down across from me smiling.

"It's uhm, going good." I told her

"It doesn't sound like it's going good. What's wrong? You know you can always vent to me." she said as I looked at her and decided to just come straight out with it.

"Did you try to kill Melanie?" I shouted out.

"Are you kidding me Wes? Who would tell you that?" she questioned

"Well me and Mel got into a little argument and she said that you cut her face the other day and that you knew the person that hit her car." I said looking Carly in the eyes and I instantly felt bad when she started crying.

"I'd never do anything like that Wes and you know it. Wh-why  would she say that?" she cried and I walked over to sit next to her and place her head on my chest.

"Don't worry about it Carls it's probably just the medicine. You know that stuff gets to your head. Like remember when my mom had to take it and she thought we lived in Alaska?" I asked her laughing and managed to get a laugh out of her.

"She hates me doesn't she?" she questioned sniffling.

"No! If Melanie doesn't like you, you'll know. Just wait until she stops taking her meds and you two will be the best of friends." I told her with confidence but in the back of my mind I knew Mel was going to put up a fight.

"Okay, thanks Wes. I love you." she said smiling. "I love you too Carly" I replied.


WAAAAAAH. Okay so this chapter is insanly short only because I'm going to be wrapping the story up within the next chapter and i dont want to make you read extra since i'm going to make a lot go on in the upcoming chapters. So tell me , tell me. How do you feel about the arguement between Wes/Mel? Is Mel going to go on tour with them? Does Wes believe Carly? Whats going through Carly's mind? So many questions So little time. Well you know the routine, COMMENT. VOTE. SHARE. MESSAGE ME. LEAVE FEEDBACK . HAVE A DOPE DAY (:

PS: Sorry for any errors I'll fix them tomorrow after school but i just wanted to put the chapter up and out the way. Love you guys byeeee(:

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