Chapter - 3 Survive

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I tried to bite his hand but it still didn't work, all he did was kick me in the back of the thigh. I could hear my parents running down the stairs, they were partially screaming , but normally you'd think someone would hear them by now but no, I lived in a big old house on top of the mountain surrounded by trees. so no one heard anyone.

I began to kick my legs, but then the mans hand just gripped my jaws tighter together, but what I didn't expect was my hands, they had a tingling sensation in them, Oh Boy I'm dying aren't I. The wearied thing was I couldn't hear my parents or anyone else anymore, OKAY IM DEAD.

Then suddenly, my eyes fluttered very fast, I'm some how surviving, having my jaws join together by force, I could still feel the pain rushing though me, and then I could hear again, but only a faint voice, that sounded a bit like my sisters voice.

'Stay awake you have the power, stay with me you have that flower'

Flower, wait I have a weird birthmark in a shape of a flower on my wrist, but what the heck was she on about the flower for, Its only a birth mark. it suddenly caught the sight of my eyes, it was shining, is this normal, you know for birth marks to glow, It looked a bright sky blue colour, then I heard my sisters voice again.

'Use the flower, for your power'

Okay don't call me mad but I'm hearing things now, what am I supposed to do, press my birth mark, because that's just stupid but its something I would do, I slyly moved my arm over to the other and pressed the bright blue shape, and guess what it didn't work.

I was being dragged across the filthy dirt path outside my house, then I heard my sister's voice again


WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO, pressing the birth mark didn't work so what. I tried to do the spider man pose but obviously that didn't work. so then I done something really weird, I scrunched my hand into a ball (like your about to punch someone) and i felt this sudden forse and then everything stopped hurting and the hand crushing my jaw wasn't there.

I was breathing super heavy, a voice grumbled behind me, I quickly swivelled around to see a huge man in a black leather jumpsuit but it was something weird he had these...these....wings on his back they looked a pale grey colour but with extreme detail, they looked a little like a pair of dragon fly wings but of course much bigger. I couldn't help but stare am I dreaming again or is this actually happening, a man going out in a leather jumpsuit with wings to kidnap someone. Really. I heard him groan again, did I do that to him, I don't kick him in a unsuitable area so how could I of hurt him, WAIT, I had that wearied sensation in my hand like a minuet ago Surly that couldn't of done anything, could it.

Then something even more dramatic happened.

I saw.......


Hope you liking it mhahahah cliff hangers are mean :P

Really now guys comment, vote,fan


Hugs and kisses

- Emilay

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2013 ⏰

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