Part three- show time

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Fuck I groan as I finally start to open my eyes. Somebody drugged me. My body grew with anger remembering what had happened.

- Flashback -

We were on our way to a gathering that we were invited to. I brought my right hand man Lucas with me. I was beyond tried yet I could never find myself sleeping. I spread my legs wide getting confortable. I take a cigarette and light it before taking a big hit. "Il capo Lorenzo sarà lì tra altri 5 minuti." Said my chauffeur before closing the little window that separated us.
(Boss Lorenzo well be there in 5 more minutes)

Taking a hit again of my cigarette,I looked at Lucas "Dovevamo venire a questo stupido raduno." (Did we really have to come to this dumbass gathering.) He smiled. "Smettila di essere così scontroso, non esci mai. Forse incontrerai anche una bella ragazza da scopare." (Stop being so grumpy man, you never go out. Maybe you'll even meet a fine chick to fuck.)

I gave him the death glare. He knows better than to say such foolish things. It was outlandish "Hai delle palle, faresti meglio a guardarlo a meno che tu non voglia essere castrato." (You have some balls, you better watch it unless you want to get neutered.)He puts his hands up but had a smirk on his face that I so bad wanted to wipe off. "Mi scuso ma penso davvero che sono passati quattro anni e non li ho visti." (I apologize but truly think it over it's been four years, and there's been no sight of them.)

I put my hand up "Enough." I say gruffly. I was never going to be with another women. Not until I see body's. Without body's it tells me that they are still out there. And I wont stop looking until then. We stop at a big building, I get out and walk into the building where the gathering was supposed to happen.

Lucas along side me I walk in and see nothing but darkness. Next thing I know I'm being grabbed from behind and before I got time to react a needle with unknown liquid was injected into my neck causing me to pass out.

—end of flashback—

I look around and see different men all around. They all looked powerful yet I've never seen them before though they were tied up to the chairs just like myself. Lucas was beside me still knocked out. I couldn't even kick him to wake up since my feet were tied up too. "Svegliati, cazzo, Lucas!" (Wake the fuck up Lucas!)

He stirred awake, he was frantically looking all around. A huge white hall with us facing a stage.

"WELCOME MEN" Said a wicked voice.

—3rd person POV—

A strange voice boomed "Welcome men!" All the Men looked to find the owner of the voice. A sudden figure walked out from the back of the stage. He was a man in his 30's his hair was blond and messy, his eyes wild and held excitement.

They all gave the man a cold stare was more people emerged from the shadows. People standing next to the polls who held guns. Two other crazy shorter men appeared all three stood on stage.

"My name is axel, the man to my left is Ryan-" Axel pointed to the shortest man with black hair "The one to my left is Jake." The middle sized man had blond hair with green eyes. "You all may be asking why you're and well, here I am to answer that." He got off the stage and got closer to us.

"Geez I can smell the testosterone in the air." He laughed darkly "You see, I don't care if you believe me but none of you are from the same world. You yourself as can see how powerful you all look. Some of you are mafia leaders others are billionaires." He walked around the tables which were all filled by two people 8 tables each.

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