Three's Company

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HELLO! This ism y new story and it is BoyxBoyxBoy or ManxManxMan. I guess BoyxBoyxBoy since they're only in college, but idk.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy it and it is Restricted cuz i think its mature? Idk. I'm gonan try to make it dirty. xD


College is supposed to be the best time of your life. Miles Landry agrees with that. He plays on the college’s basketball team, gets pretty good grades, and has good friends. Though he’s a little different. Not in the paranormal way or anything, but he likes being in a relationship with two people. He’s been in a few before, but this time it’s without his best friend, Kyle Perkins. Gabe Matthews and Trey Lewis are picked by Miles’s best friend to be in a relationship with him. Miles is excited after he sees who they are and hopes for the best. But will it work out? I mean, it is three people in a relationship. Something is bound to go wrong.


Miles looks at his best friend, Kyle. “Did you find anyone?” He asks.

Kyle nods, sitting down at the table in the cafeteria. “Gabe Matthews and Trey Lewis. Other guys were okay with the relationship, but I felt like you would like these two best. Gabe is on the track team while Trey doesn’t play sports.”

Miles scowls at him. “I told you I wanted guys who played sports.” He tells him.

Kyle grins. “I know, but this guy is fit. If I wasn’t already in a relationship with Ryan I would so go after him. He did play sports in high school though. Baseball and football. He goes to the gym down the road and that’s where I know him from. I don’t know why I asked him, but I felt like I needed to make it up to you, ya know? He’s your early Christmas present.”

Miles waves his hand at his friend. “It’s in the past. I don’t care anymore. Now tell me about Gabe. You said I would like him, too, right?”

Kyle nods. “He’s a few inches taller than Ryan and just plain cute. He’s got innocent looks, but Ryan told me he has a dirty mouth. Ryan’s the one that talked to him for me. Since they’re kind of friends.”

Miles takes all this in. They sounded great and Kyle usually has the same taste in guys as him, but he needed to see them for himself.

“I'm gonna need you to point them out for me. I don’t want to get my hopes up yet. You might be messing with me.”

Kyle clutches at his chest, mock-hurt. “I would never!” He defends, laughing slightly. “But really, I'm not. These guys are just what you’re looking for.” He turns in his seat to look at the people in the cafeteria.

Miles looks also, thinking that he might know who these guys are. He’s met a few Gabe’s and Trey’s. Not that he talks to any of them that much, but he’ll say hi to some of them whenever he sees them.

Kyle hits his shoulder slightly, gaining his attention. “What?” he asks.

“There is Gabe, sitting with Ryan and a few other track members.” He points a few tables away, towards his boyfriend. “The one with the blond hair. He’s wearing the blue jacket.”

Miles spots him and he takes in a breath, sighing slightly afterwards. Gabe was cute just like Kyle said. Miles stared at him, taking in his smooth skin, blue eyes, and long blond hair. He was a built guy that had runner’s legs. Legs that he would love to have around his waist, but he shook that thought from his head.

He doesn’t know that guy yet and he’s already thinking such dirty thoughts. He can’t help it though, he thinks as he watches Gabe laugh loudly at something one of the other guys says.

“You’re right. He is cute. How old is he?” Miles says to Kyle, not looking away from Gabe.

“He’s a junior like us. So is Trey.”

Miles nods, looking back at his friend. “Now show me Trey.”

Kyle looks around the room, frowning. “He’s not in here. It is dinner time, so he’s probably at the gym. That’s usually when he goes.”

Miles stands from the table. “Well let’s go.”

Kyle looks surprised, but stands up. “You want to go to the gym? You’re not going to talk to Gabe?”

“I'm not gonna talk to him today. Now let’s go see Trey.”

Kyle shrugs, not understanding why his friend wasn’t going to talk to Gabe, but didn’t care too much.


Kyle and Miles walked up the stairs, towards the weightlifting area. Miles was looking around, expecting to know who the guy was since he frequented this gym. But the people he knew what went here were not named Trey. He doesn’t talk to everyone, but he thought that maybe he’s talked to this guy.

“There he is,” Kyle says, subtly pointing towards a guy squatting with a bar on his shoulders.

Miles openly stared, impressed with how much weight the guy was squatting. Trey’s black hair stuck to his forehead from sweat. His eyes were closed in concentration as he squatted, over and over.

Miles and Kyle stood behind him, against the wall, where they could only see his reflection. They were far enough away so that he wouldn’t spot them.

“Holy fuck, his ass,” Miles mutters to Kyle.

Kyle grins at his friend. “I know right? I have to tell myself to look away from him. Ryan wouldn’t be too happy if he knew I was staring at this gorgeous man.”

Trey racked the bar, rolling his shoulders afterwards. He bent over to pick up his phone and Kyle cleared his throat.

“Let’s go before he sees us. Because I'm guessing that you won’t be talking to him either?” Kyle guesses.

Miles nods, reluctantly taking his eyes away from Trey. “Yeah. Let’s go.”

Kyle and Miles leave the gym, walking back towards their dorms. “So what do you think of them?”

Miles grins at his friend. “You found some hot guys. Thanks.”

Kyle shrugs. “Anything for you, man. You’re my best friend.”

“What if I told you I wanted to fuck Ryan?” Miles asks teasingly.

Kyle punches Miles in the arm, glaring at him. “Anything, but that you shithead.”

Miles just smiles at his friend, thinking about the two hot guys he’s going to be talking to tomorrow. He didn’t know who he wanted to talk to first, but all he knew was that he was excited.

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