First meeting

63 7 2

( at Felix Palace)

{Felix playing with his sister Olivia}

Felix - Sister you lost again

{Felix playing with his sister Olivia} Felix - Sister you lost again

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Olivia - I will play once again

Felix - no it's cheating sister *pout*
Olivia - ok I am going
Felix - you promised me that if I win you will buy me a drink...
Olivia - forgot it now *( ・ω・)☞

Felix - you are so bad 😞
Olivia - I know hehe 😋

{Bangchan came near them after listening Felix and Olivia conversation}

Felix - She promised me to buy a drink but now refusing Papa

Olivia - Papa he cheated in game *acting innocent*

Felix - hawww Papa look she is lieing

Bangchan - ( laughing); "placed his hand on Felix shoulder I will buy you a drink"

{Felix immediately hugged his father}

{Felix immediately hugged his father}

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---ignore mic---

Olivia - (Tomato face because of jealousy)

Bangchan - ok son ! Go and buy whatever you want...

Felix - (happy) Can I go out

Bangchan - yes ( noded)

Olivia - can I go with him...

Bangchan - yes !

Felix -(pouted) I don't want to take her with me

Olivia - who asked you little monkey

Felix - Papa she is making fun of me ..

Bangchan - Olivia don't tease your brother

Olivia - why Papa ! You always take his side ←_←→_→"rolling eyes"

Bangchan - because he is younger
(Thinking) " after sometime he will leave us "

Felix - because father loves me most , ewww 😜😜😜

Olivia -  how dare you to make this face...

{Felix started running and Olivia chassing him}

Felix - let's race up to the market
Olivia - stop! You brat

Bangchan - (smiling) be careful..

Olivia - okay Papa

In market

{Felix running and Chasing Olivia}

Felix - Sister you lost again ( looking behind)

Olivia - Felix watch your way
Felix - Whaa...( Hit something) *about to fall*

Hyujin - "grabbed Felix hand"

Felix - (managed his balance)
Felix - ( bowing) Thank you

Hyujin - (gazing)

{Olivia grabbed Felix hand and dragged him away from Hyujin}

Felix -" face turned towards Hyujin"

Felix -" face turned towards Hyujin"

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Felix - thanks for your help

Olivia - shut up don't talk with strangers
Felix - I was just thanking him

{Hyujin still looking Felix coldly }

Hyujin - Who's he ? ( Asked his servent)
Servent - He is Son of Bangchan
Hyujin - oh! He grew up and become more beautiful than a girl

Hyujin - Who's he ? ( Asked his servent)Servent - He is Son of Bangchan Hyujin - oh! He grew up and become more beautiful than a girl

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Servent - *confused 😕*

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