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Song Recommendation: Diet Mountain Dew - Lana Del Rey

     "Come over to my dorm later so we can get ready, yeah?" Lucy told me. I nodded at her, and we separated as we entered the Great Hall.

     I missed breakfast because of how late I slept in, so I was quite hungry. Luckily my sister didn't pull me aside as I walked in to question what I had been up to lately, and I had to pray that she wouldn't later today either.

     I walked up to the table, four boys staring at me as I sat down. "You look tired," Peter observed from directly in front of me. James sat beside him, and Sirius and Remus sat on either side of me.

     "Thank you Peter, I am tired," I told him. Last night was only the second time I had ever drunk alcohol before, the first time being earlier this year and in a much smaller quantity.

     I made myself a plate, and immediately began digging into my food. "You can't hold down your liquor, good to know," James teases, taking a bite of toast.

     I rolled my eyes at him, not having the energy to defend myself. "Did you have fun last night?" Sirius asked me, watching me scarf down my food with amusement.

     "I guess so," I told him, shrugging. "You guess so?" he questioned me, "That's a yes or no question." I finished chewing, then continued talking, "Yes it was fun, happy now?" I said.

     He smiled at me, "Yes, very." James cleared his throat, having finished his lunch. "Are you coming to our quidditch game today?" he asked me.

     I was aware that James and Sirius played, but as far as I knew the other two boys did not. I nodded at him, "Yeah, me and Lucy are gonna go, probably Maxwell too," I told him.

     "Good, I just wanted to remind you that if you cheer for Slytherin, you will no longer be our friend," he informed me, his face completely serious.

     I laughed at him, spreading butter onto my roll. "So who's number should I wear then?" I questioned jokingly.

     James laughed, "I'm sure Moony here would love for you to wear his number," he teased. My head snapped up, confusion swirling on my face. "I didn't know you played quidditch," I said.

      I turned to face him, waiting for his answer. He looked as beautiful as always, his dimples shining as he smiled at me, "I don't, usually."

     The way he said it worried me. Why was he randomly playing quidditch now? Tryouts are at the beginning of the year, so he shouldn't have been able to join this late in the year.

      His smile only grew at the confusion on my face. I opened my mouth to question him, when James stopped me. "We needed someone to fill in for one of our beaters," he explained, "And since Remus here owed us..." he stopped himself.

     Why would Remus owe the team? All of a sudden the puzzle started to piece together and I understood what they were talking about.

     Remus was filling in for the beater, because he was the one who knocked the former beater unconscious last night.

     My hand flew to my mouth, "The guy last night..." I started. Remus simply nodded, his dimples flashing as if he was proud.

     "That's horrible!" I exclaimed, punching Remus in the side of the arm. "Is he really so unwell from last night that he cannot play?" I questioned them.

     "What can I say, Remus here has got one hell of a right hook," James smirked. "Oh poor boy," I sympathized, as I resumed my eating.

     All four of the boy's heads turned towards me. "Poor boy?" Sirius questioned. "You're too nice sometimes V, the boy had it coming," he said. I opened my mouth to argue when Remus said from the right of me, "He deserved more than what I gave him."

Heartless - Remus LupinWhere stories live. Discover now