The End of A Gang

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Since the incident that occurred in march, Tyrell spent less and less of his time around the Rox gang. He broke contact with his sisters, and mostly spoke to Nate through text. He restarted sleeping at his father's house and had Tao keep him updated on anything that occurred at their crib.

"Bebe." Andrea neared her boyfriend, pained. "Please say it's a lie." she whines.

"What ? What is ?"

" You still are fucking talking to that bitch Titi ?" She asks, fuming.

"What ?" He stares at her bug-eyed. "No. Bebe I don't talk to her."

"Stop lying !" She yells. "I know what you did ! You betrayed us for her ! You betrayed me for her !"

"What are you saying ?"

"Give me your phone."

"Drea, what's wrong with you-"She yanked the phone out of his hands and looked through his recent calls. "Drea !"

"How could you !" She throws his phone on the floor.

"What the fuck is wrong with you-"

"What's wrong with me ? You fucking called her ! You fucking gave away our intel to an opp !"


"I have to report you." she continues, calmly.

He takes her wrist. "Andrea-"

"You fucking traitor. Don't touch me." She pulls away her arm and looks back. "Kai ! Kai !" She screams.

"No." He inches forward. "What the fuck are you doing !"

She backs away from him. "Don't  fucking get near me, Keshawn ! Kai !" She yells. Kai marches towards them.

"I told you to be careful." He forcefully shoves Keshawn back making him stubble. Regaining his balance he swings at him.

"Back off, In Sol-"

"It's fucking Kai !" He throws him a punch. "My name..." He adds, kicking him in the stomach. " name is Kai."

"Go fucking die like Ruby, In Sol" curses Keshawn. He gets up and jumps on him. Kai shields his face as Shawn, pounds on his arms. Andrea kicks him off Kai. He rolls over to the side, stopping when he lands on his back. In an instant, Kai gathers himself up and goes above him. He pulls out his gun and doesn't hesitate to shoot.

"Why'd you kill him !" Drea shoves Kai away and gets down on her knees." Bebe... Keshawn, wake up ! Wake up you shit !" she shakes his body forcefully, her tears falling on him. A few gang members, including DJ, arrived at the scene.

"Kai, what the fuck happened ?"

"Dejun, I told you he was not to be trusted." He throws glances behind him. "Help me move the body. Drea, call Tao and clean the blood. We'll drag him outside so it looks like he died outside. We'll say Titi and him talked again, she shot him and dipped before we could get her." He throws another look behind him and catches DJ shaking his head in disapproval. "Please, Dejun."

"Fuck." They lift up his body and hustle outside. Dejun lowers his arms then Kai drops his legs on the ground "Yo, careful !" he pushes Kai.

"What the fuck happened !" Renee came running. "Why the fuck is he on the floor." She got near his body. "Kai !" she looks back at him. The color of his pale face slightly drains away.

"Titi..." He utters.

"What..." She mumbles. "What do you mean ?"

"Titi killed him." His face regains the faint color it had. "She made him tell everything about us."

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