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We were on our way to the airport to go to Australia, we waited for almost two hours before boarding the plane. We got seated and just started talking to on another. We would be on this flight for ten hours so might as well make the most of it. "Are you just gonna sleep the whole time?" I asked Lee Know who was sitting next to me. "Yea." I nodded before putting on a movie to watch.

The boy put his head on my shoulder and watched with me. I don't remember sleeping but I do remember waking up to Lee Know shaking me to wake up. "We need to get off." He spoke as if he had also just woken up. I nodded and started grabbing my bags and a few things before leaving the plane with him behind me. We got to the waiting spot that was designated for us for when we would arrive. We waited for all managers and bodyguards to be there before going through the crowd.

They were very polite and just had normal conversations with us, they didn't try to push either. We got to the van that looks way too familiar from seeing it almost everyday. We then got to our hotel that we were going to stay in for a while. When we did get there it was dawn. We all relaxed in the same room before Chan came back from talking to a manager. "We all have our own rooms." He spoke making us scatter around into rooms.

My room was next to Seungmin's, as the rooms given were in age order so that meant Chan was the furthest away from me. I called my mom and told her everything I have enjoyed on the trip with the band and she sounded really happy. We then started face timing and I showed her the breakfast I got from the hotel. "It's quiet in the house." My younger brother spoke making me just laugh slightly. "Yah! I'm not that loud!" I told him, raising my voice slightly only for me to start laughing as my mom scolded him for making such a mean comment.

I hear a knock on my door and I tell them that I had to go. When I hung up after saying my goodbye, I went up to the door and opened it, revealing Felix. "Hey Hyung, what brings you over here?" I asked him and he just smiled, "Just wanted to ask you if you wanted any brownies I made a while ago!" He spoke as he opened a container filled with brownies and some spots missing from probably the others having some and same going for him.

I just smiled at him before nodding and letting him in so he could set it down. "There are peanuts and chocolate brownies. The right side is peanuts." He spoke as I grabbed a napkin and grabbed one with the peanuts in them. "You can take one more, I made a lot." He spoke and I just simply nodded and took a chocolate one before he sealed the container shut. "Thank you" I spoke, eating into one of the brownies.

"How is it?" He spoke with a concerned look, wanting to make sure I liked them. "They are so good! Dang if only we could share with the whole world for Stays to try them!" I spoke making him smile even bigger, if that was even possible. "Well, thank you for that. It means a lot." He spoke before bowing, me doing the same, then him leaving. I sat back down at the desk I was sitting at to eat before another knock was heard.

I went back to the door and opened it, seeing Chan there. I opened the door wider for him to walk him and that's what he did. I shut the door and then cleaned up some of my breakfast that I had eaten only for him to start talking, "Jeongin, do you feel anything towards Seungmin?" I stayed still at the question he had just asked me before I slowly turned my head to face him before turning my full body.

"What?" I asked him again to see if I was hearing it right and just like that, he said the same thing again, "Do you feel anything towards Seungmin?" I shook my head before asking him a question, "Why do you think I have feelings towards him? He is a friend and now a band member, and plus I can't be dating anyone for three months." I told the elder but he just looked at me like I was lying. "Hyung, I don't like Seungmin-Hyung."

To others it sounded like I didn't like Seungmin being in the band but that's because they didn't know what question the leader was asking me. "Jeongin, It's okay if you do, just we don't want you two to get kicked out for dating each other." He spoke, now standing up from sitting on the one bed in my room. I just stared at him, kind of offended that he seemed to not believe me. "Hyung, I promise! Even if I did like Seungmin-Hyung, I wouldn't be able to say anything about it. By the time I would be able to date, I probably wouldn't have feelings." I told him, not taking a breather.

"You promise?" He spoke, now hovering over me as my butt was against the desk, leaning back as his hands were on each side of my body, both touching the table. I nodded and he stepped back, sighing slightly as I just put my head down slightly. "Hyung, I'm sorry." I spoke in a shaking voice from now tearing up. "Oh Innie, don't be sorry. I was too hard on you, i'm sorry." He spoke, pulling me into a hug as tears slowly started falling from my eyes.

"How about we all go shopping as a band!" Chan spoke with a smile and I just nodded, smiling back at him before he took one of my hands and dragged me to the front door of my hotel room for me to get my shoes on. I quickly grabbed my phone, wallet, and key card before we left and gathered the rest. We brought masks just in case of something had happened and we needed to leave fast. We were in Melton, a town inside of Melbourne. We went in shops and passed a few restaurants before we saw the sun set.

We all started heading back to the hotel, which we just got a taxi for because we really didn't want to walk all the way back. When we got back, we all separated and just relaxed on our own. I woke up to someone knocking on the door making me groan from being woken up. I slowly and lazily walked to the door, opening it only to see Seungmin standing there. "Yes Hyung?" I asked him and he just smiled.

"Me, Hyunjin-Hyung, and Changbin-Hyung are going to the beach, want to come with?" He asked and I just nodded, "Give me like five minutes." I told him and he nodded before leaving, allowing me to shut my door. I quickly went to brush my teeth before changing into some jeans and a white shirt before putting a green sweater on. I then left the hotel room before meeting up with the other three at the elevator. We went on the elevator and headed to the beach, walking there.

When we got there we started messing around, talking and just playing around. I splashed Hyunjin with some water before I started running away slightly, laughing while running. I ran with my arms in the air as If I was about to start flying. I calmed down and laid down on the sand as the three walked over, taking a while from me running pretty far away.

The all sat down near me and I just sat up, smiling from seeing Hyunjin's soon to be dried hair from getting splashed. "Sorry Hyung!" I spoke, still smiling and trying not to laugh at how dramatic he was being. Again, drama queen. We sat there for almost three hours before deciding to head back. "Jeongin, look at whats over there!" Changbin pointed at a big Donut and I smiled before walking inside the shop before I sat down on the bench that had the big Donut on it as Hyunjin bought some donuts for the rest. When he was done we started heading back, me skipping my way back to the hotel which was only three block away from the beach and from the store. When we reached the hotel, my phone started blowing up from being tagged in a post.

 When we reached the hotel, my phone started blowing up from being tagged in a post

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realstraykids: Which is sweeter? 🍩 💕

#StrayKids #Stay #Jeongin

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I just scoffed before smiling then liking the post. "Sneaky Seungmin." I mumbled before turning my phone off.


Ehhh I didn't really like this chapter from me not knowing what to do. But oh well, as long as you guys liked it i'm happy! hope you like the next chapter, my loves! <3

Word Count: 1526

Next post: August 12th, 2023 - 00:00 CDT

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