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"What's up Melbourne!" I heard Felix speak in his microphone before Seungmin Spoke, "I'm so glad to be here, aren't you?" He spoke making the crowd cheer louder as light sticks were being shined in the air. I smiled at the sight before just looking at Seungmin as he spoke more about being thankful for being able to be there before the speaking changed to Chan.

"We will be back from our short break with more songs!" He spoke with a smile as the crowd slightly boo'd as others cheered. We went to the side of the stage to get off and quickly got changed, it has been longer than a week since I was able to change in their room but I had decided it would be best to change separately still just to give them more privacy, even though they told me that they were okay with me changing in there. I still felt more like a fan than a member.

We got back in a line before heading back on stage before preforming a few songs. We grabbed some water as we got in another line on stage before Chan started speaking, "So...Who's here with a partner of any kind?" He spoke making a bunch cheer and raise their hands and people near the back shaking their light sticks violently. "Oh wow." Felix spoke, with a smile placed on his face. "Who is here with a Friend?" Felix asked, making even more people scream and shake their light sticks.

I looked over and saw a group of girls screaming as they were trying to get Changbin's attention making me smile, I tapped Changbin's arm and pointed to the girls only for him to wave his hand at them before they freaked out more. I smiled more before focusing on what Seungmin was saying, "And lastly who is here with Family?" making not a lot but a few people scream their lungs out to be heard, some of it coming from the pit.

"I hope you guys are enjoying the concert!" Han spoke only making it seem like there was a monster chasing after everyone from how much they were all screaming. I laughed a little by how loud they were. "Jeongin, you are now almost three weeks in the band, how does that feel?" Seungmin spoke making me look at him with a 'this is a personal question and not in front of stays' face.

"It's really awesome, you guys have treated me like family ever since I was first on stage with you all." The crowd just cheered before someone screamed, "CAN WE SWITCH SPOTS?!" I laughed only for Hyunjin spoke, "Nahhh we love him" He spoke as wrapping an arm around me, "Alright, this isn't in the script you two." Chan spoke only for Seungmin to yell off the Microphone, "There's a script?" I laughed even more before calming down.

"Hope you guys enjoy the rest of the Concert!" Changbin spoke before we started dancing to 'Cheese' and a few more before we did the group songs. "Jeongin you will not b-" "It's fine, he can be with us, JYP should've told you that he was now in the band. He should be able to come up on stage with us for this." Chan spoke in a harsh tone while his hand was on my chest from putting me behind his back.

"I will go see about that, sir. Until then, he is not allowed to go on stage." The woman spoke before leaving to see if I was able to join Chan on stage a the mini group song. "Don't worry Jeongin, you will be going on stage with us no matter what she says, I will have a conversation with JYP if he has a problem with it." He spoke but I just shook my head, "I don't want you in trouble though." I told him but he just smiled and kissed my forehead, "It's fine. I won't get in trouble." He spoke, "How do you know?" I asked him only for him to smile at me.

"I know he sent out a message to all the managers. She just hasn't checked her damn phone." He spoke only for the female to come back. "Sorry sir for the confusion, Mr. Yang, you are able to go on stage with the four. Forgive me for making it confusing." She bowed her head at both me and Chan, apologizing. "It's fine." I smiled at her while bowing slightly for respect. 

About fifteen minutes went by and four boys walked down the stairs after preforming only for me, Chan, Lee Know, and Seungmin all to get in one line before getting cued to get on stage. When we did we found our microphones and stood in-front of them before singing 'Waiting For Us' making me even more happy due to it being one of my favorite songs.

After our fifteen minutes were over, we went back down the stairs before meeting up with the others. We got our make-up touched up quickly before going back on stage, using the same stairs we used to leave the stage. "Melbourne, which one did you like better? 'Muddy Water' or 'Waiting For Us'?" Hyunjin asked making the crowd cheer louder than it probably has in the past thirty minutes, trying to get all their opinions heard.

"Alright, Alright...Scream if you liked Waiting For Us!?" Seungmin spoke making the stadium cheer louder. How loud can they scream holy cow I can hear them clearly without removing my earpiece!  I thought before listening to Felix. "Scream if you liked Muddy Water! 1, 2, 3, SCREAM!" he yelled before pulling up his shirt making them cheer louder from him raising his shirt.

Chan looked at him as if Felix had just done something he was told not to ever do. I laughed slightly only to have it cut short by Han yelling, "Anyways.....GAME TIME!!!" He spoke as the crowd stayed as loud as they were. We started leaving the stage one last time for game time. We went in a room that was named, Artists only. No staff went in there and it was only the band, making it have more privacy than what normally happens. The only time Staff went in there was probably to fix up make-up but since we did that before talking so we didn't have to.

We finished up the games and went back on stage, closing it up, it taking way longer than it probably was supposed to from the members complaining, only silent ones were me and Lee Know . When we finished we headed back to the hotel. "So how was the last concert in Melbourne everyone?" Chan asked with as much cheer as he could from being tired. "I enjoyed it, it was really fun." I spoke, "Fun but tiring, I can't wait to crash in my bed!" Lee Know spoke while resting his head against the window.

"Alright everyone, take showers and get a good nights rest!" Chan spoke in the elevator to get to our rooms, "That means you too." We all spoke besides Chan, only making him widen his eyes from how we all spoke to him, same pitch in voice and same look given towards him. "Shut up and go to your rooms." He spoke before going in his room, his being the closest to the elevator. "Good night Innie!" Seungmin spoke before kissing my cheek and then walking in his room as I just stood still.

They all kissed my forehead, top of my head and my hands but never my face. I shook out of my thoughts before going to my room. I went to the bathroom after grabbing some clothes only to look in the mirror seeing my face looking like a strawberry. I took off my gross clothes and went in the shower to clear my mind. "It's not anything, he's just happy he has someone younger than him. They probably all do this to each other. Right?"


I started writing this chapter at 11pm and now it's 1 am as I am writing this A/N. I'm tired but I just wanted to finish this, thinking it would take me like an hour but I was wrong. Anyways, hope you guys are excited for more posts!

Word Count: 1385

Next post: August 19th, 2023 - 00:00 CDT

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