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It was a long ride to come here, about an hour to do so, and it was nothing but pure plains around here. If the site was around this area here, then we would've saw it by now. Nothing but grass and valley's, hills and scattered trees and wild livestock around.

Sanemi: Is it just me or is this "site" not even real at all?

Zenitsu: God! This horse ride is making me tired. I can't take it!

Giyu: Just keep going. Ubuyashiki-san said that it would be around here somewhere.

Inosuke: Inosuke-sama is already getting bored! I want to kill!

Aoi: Wait! I think that's it over there.

As our horses galloped closer and closer over the hill, we could see some sort of refuge in the distance. It has a banner on the tallest building, the same one we saw back at the estate. I can hear Zenitsu whimpering close to me.

Zenitsu: Oh God, here we go!

Inosuke: Alright! This is what I'm talking about! Let's go!

As the horse keeps running towards the site, I stand on it taking out my katana from my back. Aoi gives me a confused look.

Aoi: What the hell happened to your double-edged swords?

Inosuke: Kiriya didn't let me use them, so they gave me this instead!

Aoi: Whatever. So, what's the plan?

Sanemi smiles.

Sanemi: I say we get over there and kill em all!

Giyu: No. We can't go in blindless.

Sanemi: Huh!? Seriously, who made you leader, Tomioka-san!?

Giyu: We don't know the strength of these people. We need to be cautious about ourselves and them.

Sanemi: What a pathetic plan. Do you seriously think these guys are as strong as Muzan?

Giyu: I don't think that. But they might be as strong as a Hashira.

Sanemi: But if we're not careful we can actually make this a bit more faster.

Inosuke: Ready or not, here comes the mountain God!

I whip my horse harder and he sprints off towards the site. Aoi shouts my name as I laugh great fully. I reach towards the site and I could see the enemy there noticing my presence. They're wearing the same gladiator helmets from their banners. I grin and jump off my horse fighting the first terrorist I see. I slash my katana out dodging every attack they try to whip at me with their swords.

Inosuke: Beast Breathing. Fifth Fang: Crazy Cutting! Hyaa!

I grab five of the terrorists from the ground and fling them up in the air slicing them all in half and then into shreds after. I land back on the ground staring at the absolutely flabbergasted terrorists.

Inosuke: That's right! I am Inosuke-sama! The beast Hashira! Be ready to prepare for your demise!

I feel a sudden vibration from behind, and I immediately slash and cut the throat of a terrorist trying to attack me. I then see the group finally reaching the site and jumping off when they do so.

Aoi: You dummy! Don't do that again!

Sanemi: Whatever. Let's just get this over with.

Sanemi smiles and takes out his katana from his back.

Sanemi: Wind Breathing. First Form: Dust Whirlwind Cutter!

Sanemi suddenly dashes forward creating a cyclone pattern killing off about six terrorists all at once. Next comes Zenitsu behind him with his eyes shut slowly concentrating on his deep breathing.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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