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I'd rather write it here. Okay so everyone gets sick right? And when their family thinks it's fake it hurts the most right? So here is my story of sickness.

Well she saw my nose running and me sneezing tf out but she said im overreacting. Even after taking medicines it didn't work for at least 2-3 days. And yeah made me do all works and she didn't help.

High temperature and dizziness along with headache in ill was seen the same way as fever but she aloso added that these was for not studying.

I'm Allergic to few types of grasses or grass flowers. If i touch them or they get on any part of my body. My body will have huge bumps like mosquito bite and it will spread everywhere and it will stop being itchy and scratching after 30 minutes but the marks will be red and hurt if i don't take medicines asap. I'm also allergic to eggplant. My lips turn red and hurt if i eat them. And i can't digest row milk too too much milk types of products which is made of row milk. And i suffered like dead for this cuz my mother says its nothing and i MUST eat them even tho the consequences are terrible and i hear shit all the time but i still try to avoid it as much as possible.

I had terrible condition. Damn that year was the worst of my life. I had pox. And we all had it before but light cuz of a tree here. But this time they had a bit but it spread badly in my body. And where? On my hands both sides and my toes both sides and few on my face. And guys. I also had high fever along with tonsil infection which made it grow big and i couldn't eat for 15 days. I couldn't touch anything or walk cuz it felt like my palm and toe sole were being stabbed and were on screws.  I cried all day in pain but did all the works. And she didn't help even tho i begged..after a month i got better but all my neils fell all the skin where there was pox fell. The grew again but they are deep so if they grow a bit more i need to cut them or else they get inside my skin.

Cough and athesma
Do i need to explain the pain? You all already know it. All body power vanishes. And my mother still made me read out LOUD our religion book rhyme prays tho i my voice was broken and it hurt like hell she never cared.

You can't breath or move yet they mske u work and hurt you and yell at u to do the work faster. Sigh..

Cuts and injuries
Just don't ask. She blamed it on me for no reason and she beated or said tons of shit. A screw once got in my toe and i bare could walk and the way of treatment was terrible.

Yes i almost died many times. Fall under cars, fell from cars, a tree fell on me, the whole set of swing with huge bamboos fell on me, twisted my ankle many times. And le my mother was HAPPY and said i deserve it.

I wish my hand wasn't burn while we had to fight the neighbours or i would've beated tf out of them. While sinking the rice the cover sliped and it fell on my hand. 3 of my fingers were done. A year took them to heal. But the marks are uneraseable. And that's when i had to use my left hand for almost everything.

Wasp and bee stings
My mother got them too but i got more. They were out of the blue and bit me. The pain was unbearable. The marks are still there. The pain was terrible qnd i screamed and my mother kept beating and hurting me although I'm already suffering. Cuz WhAt WiLl ThE nEigHbOuRs SaY? Tho the neighbours are worse then devils. My hands were big as hulks and i could feel the poison flowing and ot itched tf out. Took ot 5-10 days to get a bit better.

At night about 1 and half year ago i think a cockroach was on my ear. It was 3 am i thought it was my hair i scratched and it gone inside i told my mother she told me to poir water in my ear and it will come out i did bit instead it bit my ear's hearing nerve and i screamed and she came and started choking me and she beated so bad that i felt like I'll die. But i survived and i cried all night and in the morning i took a eye brow peeler and put it in my ear and pulled it out. It was pathetic.

I'll be honest i didn't test it and why? My life is terrible enough to make u guys understand. But i had ill and asthma along with terrible back pain. My full body fell if walked more then 2 minutes and i couldn't breathe if i moved more then a minute. It stayed for ages. My mother had it too but before me and she was better then me. Like no asthma just light body pain with fever and i helped as much as possible but for me? Nope i still did all the 80% chores and studies. No help no care.

There are few more but not soo considering so it's ok. If i remember more I'll tell u guys. Don't report it

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