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Stella point of view.

Once more my alarm didn't go off. I quickly got dress. I grab my orange pants. Purple fuzzy hoodie. Red baseball cap and blue shoes. As always I grab a red apple and ran for my life. With my hide out its 5 miles away from the school. I did it every school day seen I ran away. But as I was running I felt like something was following. I past this one alley. But my powers already started messing up. I hear movement. I stop running. I look down the alley way.

"Hello." I said. More movement happens. I really didn't know how to us my wolf powers. But I sniffed. I smell a turtle.  I slip off my shoe and put my sock foot on the ground. My feet where like eyes when I really wanted to. I felt a big turtle not the one the sized of the ones that save me. I saw he was badly hurt. I put my sock foot in my blue shoes. I went behind a dumpster. A big turtles was their leading against the wall. He was like a blueish green. Had a big yellow chest. A belt that had a sliver s. a bunch of thorns and stuff. I was really hard to explain. Even though I was scared. I couldn't leave him there. I put his big left arm around my shoulder.

"What happen." the blue turtle said.

"Hang on. It will be okay. I will take you to my place and take care of you."

I was being really dumb. I never met this turtle in my life. He could be a killer. But I remember what my guards would do if they see me right now. I was heaved him it was 20 minutes until I got to my place. I didn't have anything big enough for him. I put him on the floor. I grab my first aid kit. I clean his wounds. I pull ninja stars, daggers, bits and pieces of metal, wood, all which was in the cuts. What he has been though it was like he went to hell and back. He was lucky I found him at the right time. As I was playing doctor. I remove and thing that could hurt him. By the time I had finish helping him. I look around for a bunch of soft stuff like pillows, blanket, clothes, sheets, and even towels. I made a nest. For him. I carefully put him on it. I look at my watch. I 1030. I had miss school. I could get up and leave him right now. But I just found him. I had hardly any medical treat meet. I knew it was a risk. I grab my phone. I called Cole knowing he would be in between classes. Ring

"Stella. Oh god. I was worried sick. Where are you?"

"I fine I did something on my way to school and found something. I need to ask you a list of favor."

"Okay. I am listening and hurry. I don't want to be late for class."

"I need all the pain killers that are on the shelves." 


"Get pain killers. Why?"

"I will tell you later. Can you and the girls get all my homework and stuff?" 

"Yeah. What else." 

"anything and everything that in a first aid kit. I need to refill my."

I heard movement in the background.

"Cole I got to go."

With that I hung up. I grab my Sai. Slowly turn the corner. To be grateful it was that blue turtle has woke you.

"who are you." ask the turtle.

"My name is Stella. You are."

"I am Slash." said the blue turtle.

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