Chapter 383: Trying to Kill Me

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"You people are trying to kill me. You are trying to kill me!" The Old Madam was still babbling nonsense. She looked as if she was about to faint from anger.

"Grandma, how can you not believe my master's medical skills? He is very famous in the city," Yun Yang quickly testified for Doctor Lu.

However, the Old Madam knew about her own body. She had deliberately caught a cold by washing clothes outside so that she could spend the new year with her eldest and youngest sons in the city. She did not want to stay in the countryside.

After experiencing the good life in the city, of course, she did not want to continue suffering in the countryside. That was why the old lady had thought of using her illness to threaten to go to the city to see a doctor. However, she had unexpectedly invited a godly doctor.

Seeing that there was no other way, the Old Madam had no choice but to use the method that she had always used to throw tantrums.

"I don't care, I don't care. My illness is already beyond cure. I am moving to the city to treat my illness now. If any of you try to stop me, you will be trying to kill me."

The Old Madam continued to throw tantrums.

When everyone heard what she said, they all looked embarrassed.

"Grandma, my master said that you're fine. I think that you're talking nonsense because you want to move out and live a good life. I think that you should just obediently stay in the countryside," Yun Yang advised from the side.

The Old Madam was still putting on an act and rolling around non-stop. Yun Shan was at his wit's end. It seemed that he could only do it himself. He walked over, helped the old lady up, held her down, and let her lie on the bed.

The Old Madam was quite heavy. After Yun Shan put the old lady down, even though it was already the middle of winter, beads of sweat still appeared on her forehead and back.

"You unfilial son! Are you now following an outsider to deal with your own mother? Don't tell me you don't agree with me living in the county? I really raised an ingrate!"

The Old Madam saw that her strength could not compare to her youngest son, so she could only start to talk.

Yun Shan was also quite conflicted. Although he was not the son that the Old Madam doted on the most, the Old Madam was after all his only mother. He really wanted to bring the Old Madam to the city to enjoy her life, but the prerequisite was that the old lady did not stir up trouble.

However, the last time, it was just a matter of managing the salary. It almost caused their entire family to fall apart. Yun Shan had gone through great difficulty to settle this matter, but now the Old Madam wanted to come back to the city, so he was really a little afraid!

"The original plan for the New Year is to have a reunion. Since the Old Madam wants to go to the city for the New Year, let her go. We will accompany them there. If you have any work, you can go and be busy. As for taking care of the Old Madam, let us, husband and wife, do it!" Ma Yan began to add.

Ma Yan was a shrewd person. The show that had just been put on made her understand the Old Madam's current thoughts. Not to mention that the Old Madam wanted to go to the city for the new year, but the whole family also wanted to go!

Firstly, they could experience the bustling life in the city. Secondly, as long as they came to the city, the money to prepare the new year goods would definitely be provided by the eldest or third brother's family. This way, they could have a happy new year! Without having to invest too much, it would be a wonderful thing, right?!

Therefore, Ma Yan wanted to help the Old Madam as much as possible.

"This..." Yun Shan looked at everyone and saw that everyone nodded. Yun Shan had no choice but to agree.

"If that's the case, dad, let master celebrate the New Year with us too! Just like second aunt said, isn't the purpose of the New Year just to have a reunion?" Yun Yang said.

"Yes, that's the best,"Chen Li said happily and nodded her head in agreement.

"How about this? You guys stay here and pack your luggage. I'll bring Yun Yang back to tidy up the medical center first. Then, I'll prescribe some medicine for the Old Madam. If anything happens, just look for me directly," Doctor Lu said.

"That's great. Then, let's set off now."

Yun Yang pulled Doctor Lu and set off first.

[PART 2] Return To The Past: I Won't Choose Humility This Time!Where stories live. Discover now