part 11

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today we are going to look at a school for paisley. it's called Trinity Prep. this is the one i really want her to go to, but if we don't like it then she won't go there and we'll find another.

i go into paisleys room to wake her up since it's already 8:30 and we have our appointment at 10.

"paisley, you gotta wake up baby." i say as i rub her back as she's fast asleep.

after some pleading i finally get her out of bed and downstairs to eat something. she doesn't really eat, but i'll just take her to get something after the tour. then to her bathroom so she can brush her hair and teeth.

i put her in a baby pink dress and her white and glittery silver golden goose'.

"you look gorgeous miss paisley." i say

"so do you mommy." she says ever so adorably

"babe, i'm not even dressed and i have no makeup on." i explain

"you don't need that, you're pretty without it." she says and i get so happy at how sweet she's being at the moment.

"aw pais, thanks for saying that. that was very nice of you." i say and open my arms to her and she jumps at me.

"ok you wanna play in your playroom while i get ready real quick." i suggests

"can you put moana on the tv please?" she asks politely

"sure princess." i agree and she quickly runs into her playroom as i follow behind.

there's a big flatscreen in here, but she doesn't always use it. i turn on moana and leave the room to get dressed.

i put on a simple white mini dress that has a flowy hint to it and then i slip on some beige slides. i leave my hair down and put on some simple makeup.

i talked to joe this morning, he was up early this morning to workout i guess. he told me he had to come to new york last minute for an audition. i told him he can pop by tonight if he wanted to. he said he will, so now i'm excited. i told him to come after i put paisley to bed because she doesn't know we're in contact.

i go to the playroom to get paisley so we can actually leave on time.

"c'mon baby, we gotta get going." i state as she's playing with her dolls.

"can i have a snack?" she asks with beaded eyes

"yeah, you didn't really eat breakfast. let's go get something then we gotta go. mike and steve are already waiting for us in the car." i explain

we go down to the kitchen and i get her half a banana and some bacon that was leftover from this morning, some potassium and protein. i finally get her some water and we rush out the door.

in the car, she eats all the food i brought for her which is good.

"paisley. i really want you to take this seriously today. say please and thank you and you have to talk to the people there and let them get to know how amazing you are. i want you to look at this school and try to imagine yourself there. tell me when you like something and think about the stuff you don't like and tell me later. ok? can you do that?" i ask her and she nods with a smile. i know if i didn't specify to keep her negative comments to herself she'd be informing everyone there about the stuff she didn't like.

we pull up to the front of the school. it's so interesting how the school kinda looks like just any other building in the city. only mike is coming with us on the tour.

we walk to the office as i'm holding paisleys little hand. she is definitely nervous being in a new environment.

i introduce myself to the secretary and she stands to greet us and paisley presses herself into my leg being shy. the secretary then goes to grab the principal who will be giving us the tour. usually the administrators conduct the tour but the principal volunteered to do so.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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