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"Kookeee...hold my hand...i am going to fall from this plane! " jin screamed. Hearing his screamed people sitting beside them were looking at him oddly...

"Sorry to disturb you...actually my husband is not stable and its his first time travelling by plane...! " jungkook said this towards the passenger beside him..

Jungkook hold his hand and said "seokjin i am here...and i will never let you fall!"

"Tightly hold me kookeee..i don't want to die! "

"I am holding your hand seokjin!! "

"Hold me tight!"

Jungkook took a long sigh and raised the handle of the seat so the he could hold jin by his waist..penetrating Between the seat and jin's back...
He put his hand on seokjin's waist making seokjin blushed..
Seeing it jungkook teasingly said "Liking to hold by me sweetheart? "

"Sweetheart..! "Seokjin repeated it happily. He was liking the word and when he heard it from jungkook's mouth,, he felt like his heartbeat raising....

After 15 minutes...jin poked jungkook's belly.. Jungkook looked at him...

" kookeee.........."


Jin started pocking the air pods on jungkook's ear....realising he could not hear jin Because of air pod,jungkook removed it...

"Kookeee... feeling pressure on my ear....there is sound inside...i can't hear anything.... insect gets inside my ear....kookeee....help.....!"

Jungkook become worried..he understood its not insect, its happened due to high pressure in high altitude.. . He put his finger over the ear and pressing over it massage for about a second... Hoping jin got some relieved..

"Is it better?? "

"Can't hear...kookeee..." jin started crying...

"Shh...." jungkook started caressing jin's hair....and thinking what he should do...somehow inside he started to feel irritated... He had plan to take a long nap until plane landed the destination... Now he has to take care of baby jin...(jin wanted to sit with jimin but taehyung didn't let jimin to sit with his brother so jungkook had to sit with his insane husband...)

Its night time so everyone started submerging into dizziness... He didn't want to disturb anyone.... But he have no other way...

Jungkook signalled jin that he is coming back within a min by taking his medicine.... Jin lower lip quivers... Going to cry soon...but jungkook hurriedly left...

He went to taehyung but he was not ready to see the scene which was happening infront of him..taehyung hovering over jimin kissing jimin's neck hungrily... And his hands was inside jimin's shirt...

Jungkook held the sit tightly... He felt like his heart started burning... He was trying his best to concentrate into other things except taehyung but his heart betraying him...he held back his tears and said loudly...

"Taehyung.... Hyung!"
Hearing jungkook's voice, taehyung opened his eyes....jimin was feeling embarrassed... Taehyung got up making jimin cover with the quilt available in plane and fixing his cloths he looked at jungkook.. "What happened jungkook? Why are you here?"

"I need ear and nose drops?"

"From when you got this problems? You never needed thoss as fas as i remember! " taehyung took out his drops from Pocket and gave those to jungkook..

"Thank you hyung " jungkook didn't feel the necessity to tell taehyung that seokjin needs it...

Why I Married  You!♥️(Jinkook)🌷[discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now