Act Naturally

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One might say Ringo is a little ditzy, a little clumsy, a little goofy. He seems a little lost at least half of the time. He's sweeter than any candy and lovelier than any rose but he couldn't tell you how to get from his house to the nearest store without getting lost along the way.

Then there was John, the poor fool that had fallen for him. Though Ringo, in his foolishness, had stolen John's heart, John did not have the gall to ask for it back. He couldn't even muster the courage to strike up simple conversation without his words jumbling and his heart racing.

That left him here, at a standstill.

"You're welcome to come with us, it'll only be a short walk." Paul said, collecting his coat and looking over his shoulder at John as the man lounged back on the sofa.

"Don't worry about it, I can handle myself fine." John waved Paul off with a snicker.

Ringo came to the side and flipped back on the couch, landing his head right in John's lap and smiling up at Paul, who was upside down to him now, "It's not like we've got anything to get us in trouble."

"Yes, but I also don't want poor John to have a heart attack because of you." Paul giggled, pointing out John's beat red face as he froze up.

"John? You alright?" Ringo asked, sitting up and taking John's face between his hands.

The man, whose face was redder than a ripe tomato, pulled away as much as he could with Ringo still trying to hand on him, "I'm fine! Don't- Don't worry about it."

John glared at Paul, who was trying not to be yanked out the door by George, eager to go and be back as soon as possible. With the boy tugging on his arm and Paul fighting to stay in the doorway, Paul called back as quickly as he could, "We'll be right back!"

Though neither John nor Ringo were paying attention as they were left alone. Ringo leaned into John's side and mumbled, "I don't want you to have a heart attack."

John, with a hand hovering over Ringo's shoulder, rolled his eyes, "It's a figure of speech, I'm not gonna have an actual heart attack."

Ringo couldn't look at him, instead shifting a bit so he could practically melt on John, making the younger just that much more nervous, "I-I don't think so, you always seem so... uptight around me?"

Though it was phrased as a question, it was moreso an observation as he continued, "And you get all hot and red and sometimes it looks like you can't breathe! You get all sweaty and your words get all jumbly. I'm scared I'm making you sick..."

John couldn't find his words, knowing that all of those were symptoms merely of his love and nothing more. When Ringo finally looked back at him, the boy gasped, "See! Like right now!"

Ringo went to stand up but John finally grasped his courage and used it to pull Ringo back to him, bringing the man flush with his chest. Ringo frowned, "Let me up! I'm making you sick!"

"No you're not you twit!" John finally spat out, his voice louder than he intended. Ringo shrunk back and John deflated, "Sorry, but you're not making me sick."

"Then... why are you being so weird?" Ringo asked, moving himself to be a little more comfortable and accidentally finding himself sat in John's lap.

"C-Cause..." John had to find his words but the oxygen was falling from his lungs as he could only think of the cute drummer currently straddling him, "I-I..."

Did he dare to say it? To risk rejection? To soil their friendship? To ruin everything?

"John? You what?" Ringo cupped John's face, his brows knitting together in concern as he felt John's burning cheeks.

John took a deep breath, a sudden courage surging forth to force him upright. His lips found Ringo's in a few seconds, and the next few were the best few seconds of John Lennon's life. Ringo's lips were soft and plump, a little hesitant but John found that Ringo wasn't pulling away.

Ringo slowly kissed back, softly and delicately in a way that made John swoon. John pulled away to be met with rosy cheeks and a shocked man, "That's what's wrong with me."

Ringo blinked a few times, "I'm sorry, what?"

John couldn't help but to howl with laughter, his eyes welling with tears as he nearly doubled over. Ringo, fawning over him with concern, was left in the dark about what was so funny.

"John? Was it something I said?" He asked.

"No, I just thought it'd be obvious how much I love you Ringo." John sighed, finally catching breath.

"You... love me?" Ringo looked downright shocked.

John bit back another laugh, "Why else would I kiss you?"

Ringo thought about it for a minute before his ears started to glow, "I-I guess that makes sense."

"I'm just glad you don't hate me." John laughed softly.

"I could never hate you John!" Ringo shouted before quieting down, "I... I actually want you to kiss me again."

"Yeah? Like this?" John gave Ringo a quick peck on the lips.

"Just like that." Ringo smiled, dopey and sweet, just how John loved.

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