Pregnant pt.3

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Hehe Soz for not posting for so long my pookies

I can't believe some of my sweet angels thought I was dead😔

9 months later..


I fucking hate being pregnant.

I thought as I was laying in bed with a bump on my stomach..

Soviet came to me and sat next to me,he then smiled as he held my hand (Nah this is too cringe😭)

(Soviet) "Are you alright dear?"
(Y/N) "No."
(Soviet) "Relatable."

I didn't even bother moving a single muscle now these days.

I tried getting up but I was a bit heavy.Soviet looked at me and chuckled

(Soviet) "I'm so proud that your having a child."
(Y/N) "And I'm so proud that I haven't killed you yet."

Soviet chuckled more as I groaned.I felt tiny kicked and I saw Soviet eyes started to glow.

(Soviet) "Aww is my little human or countryhuman kicking?"

Soviet said s I saw him put his hand on my stomach to feel it's kicking.The kicks was getting a bit harder as i whimper in pain.

(Y/N) "Wait can this child hear us?"
(Soviet) "I think so."

I looked at my bump as I sighed.I looked at Soviet,who was focus on what I was about to say and didn't say anything.(wat da fak that made no sense)

(Y/N) "Please don't have a big head.I don't want my pelvis to be completely ruined."

I sighed and a few moments later,a massive kick hit my stomach and I was in pain.Jesus Christ.

(I actually never experienced pregnancy so I don't know how it is and)

(And I also don't wanna get pregnant)

(Soviet) "Looks like the child doesn't like that.Why's the bed wet?Did you have an accident?"
(Y/N) "What accident?Oh no.."
(Soviet) "Is it time?"
(Y/N) "Yes."

(Get ready to be in pain 😂)

Soviet started to panic as he picked me up and quickly rushed downstairs.

G.E was confused and realised it was time as well.A.H know it as well and was unsure what to do.

I saw Soviet trying to grab the keys but instead accidentally dropped it.

(Soviet) "Ah!Son of a b-"
(G.E) "Let me get that."

G.E quickly gave Soviet the car keys and UN came.Russia and Ukraine came as well and was so confused about what was happening.

(Russia) "Papa can we come?"
(Soviet) "Why?Your just gonna be stuck in the waiting room for like hours or something."
(UN) "I can stay with them."
(Soviet) "Yeah what-"

I screamed in pain as all of us,who are coming,went outside to the car and quickly went in.This time UN was at the from and I was laying down on Russias lap and my foot was on Ukraine's lap.They tried to calm me down but I don't fucking know how that even works while I'm giving birth?

(Fucking hell im time skipping cuz I ain't being cringe.Plus idk how pushing a baby feels like so.)

An hour later..

3rd Person

Russia,Ukraine and UN were in the waiting room,obviously waiting for Y/N to push the damn baby out.

Soviet was always by Y/N side and held her hand for her to I don't know.Help her push the baby more and also suffer.

Y/N was screaming in pain as Soviet trying to comfort her by saying "you can do this.." or "you are almost there.."

Y/N was breathing heavily as she kept pushing and gripping hard on Soviets hand,which almost broke his hand.

A few more minutes of pushing..

They heard a baby crying..



I heard some sound of a baby crying and I opened
my eyes.I let go of Soviets hand as I saw a small baby boy.I had happy tears coming out of my eyes..As I saw the doctors lift the baby up all happy..

(Doctor) "It's a boy!"

Soviet was happy and some happy tears came out of his eyes as well.The doctor gave the baby boy to me to hold it.

Soviet kissed my head as he placed his hand on my shoulder.Russia and Ukraine quickly went in the room while UN just stand there all calm and whatever.

(Ukraine) "Oh my god he's so cute!!"
(Russia) "Yeah way cuter then you when your a baby."

Ukraine went silent as she kick Russia in the dick,leaving Russia yelped in pain as Soviet kicked them out of the room for being to noisy.I chuckled when that happened.

(Soviet) "Finally those rascals are gone.Anyways..How is my cute little baby boy?"

I smiled as I gave Soviet the baby.He held it like he won a trophy.The baby boy was still crying while I was laying in the uncomfortable hospital bed.

(Soviet) "What should we name him?"
(Y/N) "Maybe.."


902 Words

Congratulations ur a mother.

Name suggestions pls I have one or two but I need more to see which it could suit him,I'm not being rude I promise!Ur name ideas are great!!
(This will end on the 7th of September)

And I'm back after a very and very long break.I'm sorry for not posting long it's just that I've been busy with and some stuff but I promise I'll try post more


My sweet angel.(Soviet Union x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now