confession pt.1

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I'm watching Tv when my phone plings


When am i going to see you?

(Write soom here)


Youve been sating that for 1 year,i can fly you out you know i aint broke

(Me haha)


I aint playing


My heart starts to race knowung one day hell find out that im not the girl i say i am,im not lightskin,i dont have green eyes,i dont have losse curls,im not thick im darkskinned,have 4c hair,and i have very strong afro features he's never gonna accept me for who i truly I'm i know everything else about me is real just not the looks part guilt aill eventually eat me up and ill be forced to tell him or hell hire some spy (he does have the moneh tho) and next thing u know theyll be outside my door

3 months later

Guilt has finally gotten the best out of me and im gonna confess to jude after that ill block him and never speak about it again

I sent this this to him

Jude,i have something to tell you you'll probably never want to hear my "name" again but im not the person i say i am im so sorry that i waysed you time you deserve betger amd that girl yeah shes not me and dosent look like me at all i have you recover and can move on and i do recognize it was shitty of me to play with your feelings i promise to change <3



What? I knew something was fishy

How do you actually look like?

Aren't you going to respond?
I knew i couldnt fix this so i blocked although i felt sad i cant imagine how he feels right now im a reay shitty person

Jude Bellingham

Chilling on the couch, binge-watching my fave show, when suddenly, my phone goes "pling!" I check it, and it's a text from Judy❤. My heart races as I read his message.

When am I gonna see you?

I crack up, 'cause he's been asking that same question for, like, a whole year!

Me (LOL)

I've been askin' that forever, man. I could fly you out, you know I ain't broke.

I ain't playin'.

Me (I'll see)

But deep down, anxiety starts creepin' in. I've been frontin', lyin' 'bout who I really am. I ain't light-skinned with green eyes, loose curls, and i ain't thick. Nah, I'm dark-skinned, got that 4C hair, and Afro features. I know someday he's gonna find out, and he might never accept the real me. It's eatin' me up inside, 'cause everything else about me is legit, except my looks. The guilt's gonna swallow me whole, and I'll be forced to spill the beans or risk him sendin' some spy (he's got that cash, ya know), and before I know it, they'll be camped outside my door.

Fast forward three months, and guilt finally gets the best of me. It's time to come clean to Jude. After that, I'm blockin' him, never mentionin' it again.

I hit him up with this text:

Jude, I gotta tell you somethin'. You might not wanna hear my "name" after this, but I ain't who I said I was. I'm sorry for wastin' your time. You deserve someone better, 'cause that girl you thought I was? She ain't me. She don't look nothin' like me. I gotta let you move on and find happiness. I know it was messed up playin' with your feelings. I promise I'm gonna change. <3

Then it happens—"Seen" mocks me from the screen. Jude's read my confession.

What? I knew somethin' was fishy. How do you really loo like?You gonna say somethin'?

But I can't bring myself to respond. I know there's no fixin' this mess. Sadness washes over me, but I gotta block him. Even though it hurts, I can't imagine how he's feelin' right now. I'm just a real shitty person, and that's the truth.

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