Chapter 2- The Sorting

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The train chugged its way through emerald fields, cutting through hills and grassy meadows. There was a lot of excited chatter coming from Hugo and I think that this is just nervous babbling.

"I am so excited to be going to Hogwarts at last, I mean, I saw Rose go and... Will I make friends do you think? Will people like me?.... What house will I get sorted into? I need to... I need to..."

"Shut up before I have to use the stupify spell on you" Rose said from beside me, looking over darkly at her brother with burning eyes.

I just giggled in the corner and stared out of the window once more. The steam gently clouded past the window on billowing white puffs before they disappeared again. The white was very bright against the bright, light blue sky.

There was a knock on the door and a young witch with her hair in a net. She was quite rounded but she wore a kind grin, spread across the whole of her face, so much so that the skin near her eyes crinkled.

She was pushing a trolley full of brightly coloured wizard sweets. Chocolate frogs, Berty Botts Ever Flavour Beans, Jelly Slugs.... Every kind of sweet jewel bright, and glittering at me from the trolley.

She then said "Anything from the trolley, dears?"

My father had given me some money to get something off of the trolley but I knew that Rose didn't get any sweets because her mum thought that so many sweets would spoil her appetite for the feast after the sorting.

My brothers were busy ordering for themselves because we all know that boys are greedy and even Hugo was getting something with some of his own money.

When they plonked themselves and sunk back into their seats, I said gently to the woman who was smiling directly at me, "2 chocolate frogs and a packet of Berty Botts Ever Flavour Beans please"

She smiled and traded me the sweets for my money. She was about to hand me my change when she was shoved from behind into her trolley, which made her bend in two as the handle hit her in the stomach.

"Move along, you old witch! Those of higher class are trying to get back to our carriages!"

The lady on the trolley sighed gently at me and my family and rolled her eyes once before handing me my change and walking briskly away from us and that rude pupil.

The voice which insulted the witch on the trolley belonged to a boy. He looked like a first year, with ashen blonde hair, slicked back right across his head. He was in pristine uniform with a chalk white, willow wand gripped delicately in his right hand, which was a pale and bloodless hand, which was snowy and pale and complimented his wand. I dragged my eyes up from his wand and robes to his malicious face, which wore a pleased smirk as if he had just won the House Cup and boy, did he know it?!

"Well, well, well," he chuckled to himself, "The Weasleys and the Potters still stick together with each generation."

His two friends appeared behind him with their arms full of sweets from the trolley with grins plastered all over their faces. They were practically spherical, their faces glowed horribly round like moons and planets.

I looked at him in his cold eyes, which were pointedly looking at me with a fixed glare, glowing with malice and family hatred. His smirk never faltered once.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Says James, standing up and trying to stare him down. It was quite easy as James was at least half a wand taller than the pale boy.

"It means that," he says, his smirk growing ever wider, "-and I'll say this slowly for you incase your tiny minds cannot understand- it's interesting that the Potters and the Weasleys- two lower class families, might I add-"

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