Chapter 3- I Remember Bravey

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I broke my gaze first. I was seething with anger. I had only encountered him a few times and yet I somehow knew that he would be the one that infuriates me at this school. But I wouldn't let him ruin this chance for me.

"Attention Students," proclaimed McGonnagal, hushing the school into silence, "Before we start the feast and start a new year, may we first have a minute of silence for all of the fallen students that were lost to us in the Battle of Hogwarts and those terrible times where darkness ruled. To name a few; Lavender Brown, Colin Creevy, Dobby, the house-elf, Professor Snape, Fred Weasley," Rose and her family bowed their heads, along with many others, "Professor Lupin, Vincent Crabbe, and many more".

We paused for what seemed like an eternity, everyone remembering their families' losses and their friend's families' losses.

I remembered all of my Father's and my Mother's friends and my grandparents whom I never knew who stood up to the Dark Lord one dark night in Godric's Hollow.

I don't tend to cry because I never knew them, but whenever I want to know more about them, my Father's eyes always mist over and he clams up, but he tells me the odd detail or two.

It's quite sad for me because I want to hear about the brave family that I never knew, my heritage that I yearn to know, how brave they were on that fatal night.

"Finally," McGonnagal announced, interrupting my thoughts, "May we remember my predecessor, Albus Dumbledore, who was once Headmaster at this school, and who will still be watching over us all, and guiding us through the perils that life may throw at us all."

Silence filtered throughout the hall. The mutterings stopped, everyone remained still- even the sky above me seemed stuck in time, not daring to move as if it would disturb the peace.

Albus Dumbledore. How could anyone forget him?

Against my conscious judgement, my thoughts flickered to Malfoy Junior. Just as evil and vindictive as his father once was to my father, I suspect he will be a peril that life has thrown at me, I thought, seething inside my mind.

"May the stars above know of our grief, and through this celebration where we welcome new students, may we shine the light through the rain and ensure that our loved ones are never forgotten." McGonnagal said with her eyes raised to the enchanted sky.

The deep night blue that haunted the ceiling was covered by billowing clouds and as though the sky was mourning all those lost, it started to rain. Unlike a thunderstorm, full of anger and hatred, the tears of the sky were soft and full of remorse.

All faces turned to look deep into the sky, and painted in the clouds like watercolour were images of the Battle of Hogwarts. They flashed and changed like a muggle camera reel- a kaleidoscope of bravery.

A voice I knew well came erupting from the clouds like thunder, "Let's finish this how we started it- together."

My father's face flashed on the clouds and I felt eyes bore into me. Not many, just one pair of eyes.

Confirming my suspicions, I tore my eyes away from the clouds to find Malfoy staring at me- I'm not sure how I would interpret his stare, almost evil but full of awe and admiration or just plain old jealousy.

I turned to see the rain water on the plates at Hufflepuff's table, it clumped and morphed with its brothers and large armies of rainwater rolled over to the serving platters.

A small boy, Ted, I think was his name tugged on the sleeve of the Hufflepuff prefect next to him and shouted "LOOK!".

The water had started to morph and combine into shapes on the serving platters, quite alarmingly. No rainwater I have ever seen has behaved like that!

The clouds parted and a beam of light shone through onto the water and as if by magic (pardon the pun) the shapes painted themselves in, first, pastel shades then deepening to their true colours.

They started to hiss and steam and move frightfully and a gasp was heard from all of the first years in the room. Poor old Ted gave a yelp of fright and hid under the table.

"Let the feast commence!" McGonnagal shouted over the noise of both the students and the water.

The noise stopped and all that was left on the platters were delicious meals- chicken, beef, pasta and every kind of sweet you could imagine!

Everyone in the hall started to dig in, myself included. Even when I turned round to check on Malfoy his expression has turned from sour to sweet.

I can tell I'm going to like it here, even if life has thrown me the curveball that is Gregvolo Malfoy.

I intend to learn and grow surrounded by my family and new friends that I may meet along the way. After all, if I have the bravery that my family does, how can even Malfoy hinder my chances of happiness here?

So... I'm back, sort of. I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in forever but I will try and upload more often, it was just a crazy year! I will update my other stories soon but I had already written bits and pieces of this chapter so I thought I may as well finish this first. I hope to update again soon- fingers crossed! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2016 ⏰

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