Chapter 7- Open Window

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Chapter 7- Open Window

Brooklyn's P.O.V.

I finally decided on what dress i would wear to the special dinner, the boys and i were going to have with the queen. I didn't want to over do anything nor did i want it to be too less. (sorry if that doesn't make sense).

The dress was about all the way up to my knees in length, and had short sleeves on both shoulders. It was white, and i hope that i wouldn't get it dirty tonight. The dress had a nice lace pattern and i was just so into it that i just knew i had to wear this dress.

For my hair, i had put it up in a nice bun, with a braid in it. My shoes were a metallic silver color, and these were my favorite heels. As for the make up, i didn't put on much since i didn't want to over do anything.

After i finished getting ready, i didn't really know what to do. I didn't have a clue on what time the dinner would be, and i didn't know what time it was anyway. I didn't have anything to do in my room, i mean, i know it's a gorgeous room, but like, you can't really do anything there. I decided that i would go walk around the castle.

Well, if i could, but if i do get in trouble i could just say i was looking for the dining room. After walking for a while, i had made it to the grand stair cases from when i came in earlier. I didn't want to go around the castle anymore, it was getting a little boring. I could really use some fresh air right now.

I went down the fleet of stairs, and into the entrance hall, through the doors. The guards allowed me to go through, probably because Queen Virginia had told them who i was. As i looked out across the gravel in front of the castle, Harry's car was still there. And there were a lot more trees than i remembered.

I probably wasn't just paying attention. I had walked down the couple of stairs, and turned left, onto a trail into a forest. I don't know why, but i always feel adventurous when there are forests around me. You probably think, like "She's so weird," or "Who would want to go into a forest alone?". Well i do, and i like it so don't judge.

I'm actually surprise that my feet still didn't hurt from these, shoes. Hah this is why i like them. They are sooo comfortable. But enough with the shoes! After a couple of minutes walking, i come across a stable looking bridge. I stopped to observe it. Below it was a wide creek, with rocks and moss around it. Above were tall trees with green leaves and moss again.

I found it cute, just like a fairytale setting. I crossed the bridge, and i noticed that it must of just been put up, because the wood was still new looking. You probably think i'm crazy right now going out into the forest formally dressed. But i don't care! I was walking a little longer by now, and it was getting a little dark.

I was getting a little scared. I haden't really payed attention from which way i came. I started to look around. A tree felt familiar from which i passed earlier, so i started to go that way. But then there was a loud cracking sound that must of came from behind me. The sound was a stick cracking, and someone or something has to be watching me by now.

"What are you doing here?" said a voice coming from behind me. I froze. Who was it? Was it one of those evil vampires? Will it kill me? So many questions were running through my head, that i probably didn't hear that something talk because it raised its voice.

"Turn around!" it said in a more stern voice. I slowly turned around. My eyes were closed, because i didn't want to see what kind of monster or what ever it was would be in front of me, since vampires do exist. It chuckled, for a little, but i noticed it was a deep voice.

"I won't hurt, you. You could open your eyes." It said.

"W-what if you w-will." I said back to the mysterious someone.

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