(Extra) Chapter 31- Growing Up

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Hey guys!  SURPRISE! So I decided to make an extra chapter! ;) Any who knows there might be more in the future! haha ;)

Here it goes!


(Extra) Chapter 31- Growing Up


Brook's P.O.V.

A lot has happened in these 2 years. Liam and I had gotten married so, I am officially Mrs.Payne. I know it may seem like i'm married at a young age. But honestly I don't think I would marry anyone else except for Liam. 

The East Land Castle has gotten a lot better, and so has the West Land Castle. But all that matters is that both are very close to each other now. Kaleb is officially back to where he came from, and all the lads hang out with him a lot. Aaron had gotten back to his senses and apologized for what happened, even though he still has strong feelings. But we've still been seeing him along with Tasha, Connor, and Kurt. 

Cassandra has been coming from time to time, and has been giving me tips on what to do around the castle. Which might I say comes in handy a lot. The village is also very pleased with their young queen. 

"So Brook how are we going to tell the lads?" He asks me. 

"I don't know." I tell him as I try to think. 

Oh, and might I add that i'm...pregnant....Yes, I am. Already 2 weeks so a bump isn't showing and it's not so obvious. 

"Well i mean I guess we could just go straight out and tell them. Right?" I ask him. 

"I mean yea, it's not like we need to do anything special. Come on lets go." He says as he takes my hand and we walk out of OUR room. 

"Where should we tell them?" He asks me.

I think about it for a second. Where is there a special place for me? 

"The garden where Virginia is buried?" I ask.

"That's perfect." He says as he gives me a peck on the cheek. 

"Where should you tell us what?" Niall asks scaring us both.

"Could you please get the rest of the lads and just bring them to the garden where Virginia is?" Liam asks and Niall nods. 

Liam and I finally made it to the garden, and minutes later the rest of the lads came in. for some reason i got really nervous. But I don't know why. I mean they are technically like family to me. 

"So, Brook and I have something to tell you all." Liam says, and looks down at me. I smile. 

"Yes, yes we do." I say as I smile back at him.

"Oh for God's sake just tell us already!" Niall whines.

"Ok go ahead sweetie." He whispers  in my ear. 

"I'm...pregnant." I say.

I look at all of them, and it take them a while to figure it out.

"BROOK IS PREGNANT EVERYONE SHE'S PREGNANT!" Louis screams and runs like a little child.

Everyone just laughs at him. All of the boys hug me and say congratulations until Louis come up to me. 

"Brook i'm so proud of you! It's going to be a good little baby!" He says mimicking a child's voice, and he rubs the soon to be baby bump. 

I just laugh.

"Thanks Louis, i appreciate it" I say with a smile on my face.

Then out of nowhere, they all start to sing "Brook is pregnant". Even Liam did too! 

But all i really hear is Louis screeching it so loud, that i had to cover my ears.

"OK LOUIS I GET IT!" I yell, and they all stop and laugh. 

My child is going to grow up so well with them. I smile as i think of that.


Author's Note:

Thanks for reading!

Go read my other books Dark Alley and Broken to Pieces PLEASE!!!!!! You can find them on my profile! :)


etalar56 xx.

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