26 2 0

Oh look, I updated something! How rare!

SS Elemental: Alright, if this all goes to plan, they'll trigger the pressure plate which will open the hallway. Once they're there, the observers will trigger the pistons to trap them!

RQ Elemental: hmmm.... Which way does a repeater go? OH HEY PUMPKIN PIE-

Time: Where's your parents?

Sabre: I don't have parents.

Time: ...

Time: Well, now you do

Galaxy: Can we get-

Reality: if you say anything about sandwiches, I will go to that 'Hypixel' place and abandon you.

Galaxy: are there sandwiches there? I'm on I'm in I'm in my to a the

Reality: ...

Reality: I'M DONE-

Rainbow: I'm so bored that I'd do anything

Light: Then train

Rainbow: ...

Rainbow: Suddenly, I'm not actually bored

Nightmare: How... How is it possible that The Darkness could overpower me???

Sabre: that's because your not sigma enough, you have no rizz, you got no life and to be frank, you stanky.


Memory: what did you do..?

Illusion: nothing, and I'm quite offended that you thought that I'd do something.

Memory: Then why is Guardian trying to put out a fire with sparklers?

Illusion: ...

Illusion: in my defense, he believed me.

Assistant Steve: wouldn't that kill them..?

Prof Red: eh, two birds in a bush is a penny earned

Assistant Steve: ????

Time: here birdy birdy... You want some bread lil guy?

Sabre, offended: ...

Sabre: Yes.

Sharp: if chickens eat wheat seeds, and you can make bread from wheat, does that mean that bread is like a fancy desert for birds?

Beef: if you try hard enough, then yeah

Colle: ... Neither of you are allowed to feed Parrot.

Sabre: *kicks down the door* IT'S PRIDE MONTH!

Rainbow: GASP

Colle: *hides in a closet*

Colle: I'm good, thanks

Assistant Steve: Sabre, I don't understand what you're saying.

Sabre: what-?

Assistant Steve: I don't speak moron, I can't understand you.

Light: oh finally, I get to take a break

Sabre: bonjour

Professor Red: FINALLY! I HAVE FINISHED IT! I have constructed the one and only...

Professor Red: Merry-go-square

Lucas: can you use Morse code?

Ghost Steve: -. ---

Lucas: ???

Sabre: >:(

Lucas: >:[

Sabre: >:C

Lucas: >:0

Sabre: :0

Lucas: :D

Sabre: :>

Lucas: :]

Sabre: :)

Rainbow: What????

Time: I-

Light: sorry, the birds are being loud. One sec


Sabre, Rainbow, and Colle: ...

Sabre: meanie >:(

That's all for now, I hope you enjoyed!
Have a great day/night/evening/dawn/dusk/twilight/noon/afternoon/midnight/sunrise/sunset/moonrise/moonset/whatever time it is where you are!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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