The Battle of Onuea

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             Fire and destruction filled the air on the dry planet. Buildings ablaze and men lying dead on the dry plains of the planet Onuea, among the dead soldiers from the Aminatie empire, one was still breathing. Pain spread through his body with each breath he took. He stared blankly at the smoke filled sky above him. He thought that this was his end. For my people and my empire, he thought to himself. We will win this war, and the Aminatie Empire shall bring the human race together like in the times of old. As he lay there, he pulled out his dog tags; identifying who he was.


             He stared at the metal as it glimmered from the sun. A man was walking by the scene. He had no armor or weapons. He saw the Aminatian lying there. He went and sat down next to him. “Horrid...Isn't it?” The wounded soldier became startled and dropped his tags, grabbed a nearby gun and held it to the man’s head. “Who are you?!” The soldier yelled at the man. “Are you a Tentorian?” The gun pressed against the man’s head. The man was calm, he didn't flinch, but stared into the sky and distant mountains. “Hmm...Nice to meet you to, my name is Ethlan." He said, "What’s yours?”


               The soldier was annoyed. “Are you a Tentor?!” He screamed. Ethlan smirked. “That's what I thought. I am a Tentor, but what are you going to do about it? Your wounded, I have no armor or weapons, and yet you would shoot me? Come on just tell me what you name is." 


              “That's not important!" The soldier yelled, "Now tell me. What are you doing here?!” Ethlan glanced at his dog tags. “John Lenito is your name eh? Thats a fine name for a strong young man. How bad is your wound?”


               John didn't care. He wanted nothing more than to be left alone. He had seen too many Tentors, to much chaos and destruction. He pressed the gun harder against Ethlan's head. “Leave me alone! I don't need help dying! Now go, before I shoot you!”


               “This war is meaningless you know.” Ethlan said. “Do you know how this war began?” “Of course I do!" John answered, "It's because of you bloody Tentors and your want for power! Your people killed my home world! Your people all deserve to die! I should shoot you right now!” “But you haven't.” Tears began to form below John's eyes. His face was turning red from the hot sun as well. “Why do you torture me so?!” John screamed in Ethlan's face.


              “You can't shoot me, now, put the gun down, and I will take you to my place." John didn't want to. He wanted to be left alone, to die and be no more. He finally complied and put the gun in his side pouch. “That's better.”, said Ethlan, “Now where is your wound?” “My leg.”, said John. “Ya see now. That wasn't so hard.” With ease Ethlan picked John off the ground and carried him towards the mountains.


              The air was dry and the sun beat down on John. He was uncomfortable and sweaty. Eventually he passed out from exhaustion. When John woke up, he noticed a small fire in the middle of a small cave like room. As he began to stretch, he hissed from the pain in his leg. “Oh good your awake now." said Ethlan, "Here have this.” Ethlan handed John a bowl and a spoon. John slurped the soup down. The heat slide down his throat and soothed his body. “It must be hard being a soldier.” Said Ethaln, John kept slurping his soup. “Going to battle each day. Not knowing if you will live or die.

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