The Sol System...

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                        As the day of reaching Earth grew closer, Ethlan’s men were preparing, now under the

leadership of John, for the great day. The plan was simple subdue the captain just before arrival,

dispose of the crew by whatever means, and secure Earth as theirs. Days turned into hours, and

soon the crew became anxious. The captain came over the ships intercoms, “Attention all

personnel, we are now entering the supposed location of the Sol solar system. We will now shut off

the main engine drives and exit hyperspace. Please be ready to land in approximately 8 hours.

Thank you.” John and Ethlan were playing cards at the time of the announcement, their opportunity

came. John and Ethlan looked at each other, and put the cards down, they set to work. John

gathered the men under his command in mess hall 82, Ethlan and Gieban set to work to capture

the captain of the ship. All of the men in the mess hall sat down, and listened to John as he

explained the plan, “Once Ethlan and Gieban have captured the captain, group one will disperse

and secure the hangar bays, Group two, it is your job to subdue any opposing forces in the upper

section of the ship, grouped three you’re the middle section, and group four you will provide any

assistance to the groups previously named, so spilt up into 3 even groups and help the others, are

we clear?” “YES SIR!” shouted the men. “Good” said John, “The signal is when you here Ethlan on

the intercoms, good luck to you all, and Godspeed! Dismissed!”

                     Ethlan and Gieban slowly made their way to the ships command deck, a small group of

soldiers had followed them. They reached the command deck doors, where three guards were

positioned, “can we help you?” asked a guard. “Yes“, said Ethlan, “you can die for us.” The soldiers

with Ethlan pulled out rifles and shot the three guards. The guards then fell to the floor dead. Ethlan

punched in the codes for the doors, they hissed open. Ethlan was a bit surprised at the size of the

command deck, but he continued with his mission. Some more guards came up, but Ethlans men

shot them. The crew stopped what they were doing and looked at the men standing in their

doorway. Ethlans group walked to the captains chair. “Captain, Gieban said, “We would like it very

much if you would relinquish your position.” The captain just sat in his chair and stared out his

viewport. White flashes passing the ship every second. After a minute the captain stood up, and

turned to face them. Ethlan immediately recognized him, “Kieob“, Ethlan said in astonishment, “It’s

been a long time.” “To long Ethlan, too long. “ A scar ran across the left side of Kieob’s face. “I see

you gone up in rank Kieob” “And it looks as though that pathetic group had made you their leader,

you should’ve stayed Ethlan, you could’ve been a higher rank than even me, but you wanted to

follow your fantasies.” “Kieob, aren’t you going to Earth? I don’t think you would be if it wasn’t.” “No

Ethlan, I’m talking about you taking over the Tentor Republic, I was well aware of your plan from the

beginning. So Ethlan, are you going to shoot me?” “That’s too easy Kieob, but not a bad idea.”

Ethlan pulled out his gun and shot Kieob, a blue beam of light encased Kieob from head to toe.

“Now then.”, Ethlan spoke up to the crew, “you will all do as we say or this will happen.” Ethlan

flipped a switch on his gun and shot a nearby personnel, the man disintegrated. “”Now then, would

one of you kindly put me on theShips intercoms. Ethlan sat down in the captains chair, and spoke,

“Attention all personnel, I am your new captain, if have any questions, please hesitate to ask, I don’t

like answering to many questions. Thank you and have a nice day.”

                             Ethlans men set to work putting their plan into motion, and in 2 hours the ship was

under their control. John Joined Ethlan and Gieban on the command deck. John walked towards

the viewport, “How much longer?” “About five hours John,” Responded Ethlans, “It will be a

beautiful site John, I hope you brought a camera. John when we land, we don’t know what will be

there, or there might even be nothing, be prepared for whatever lies ahead John, be ready for

anything. Each hour that passed seemed like a day to john, he wanted to know already what Earth

looked like, would it look like Goitn, the beautiful ringed planet, or Naqum, the hot volcano planet.

The five hours were up and the ship had reached the Sol system. The sun was now in the center of

the view port, John looked out of the side veiwport, and saw a blue gas giant, “Ethlan,” he said,

“What planet is that?” “That is what used to be called Neptune, named after the roman god of the

sea.” in another 30 minutes they came to the planet Uranus, then Saturn, but when they had

reached Jupiter, something was off, Ethlan looked closely, “Crew, try to locate the planet IO.” A few

minutes later, a crew member spoke up, “Sir, We cannot locate the moon IO, it’s just not there. No

traces or anything.” “Very well, keep traveling to earth, and be careful of the asteroid belt located not

to far from here.” “What’s important about IO Ethlan?” Gieban asked. “IO was the third human

colony ever, and now the entire moon is gone, moons don’t just disappear Gieban.” Ethlan said, he

closed his eyes and began to think, “I think there may be something going on here. But we won’t

find out until we reach Earth.


                          The ship continued on towards its goal, the asteroid belt cam into view, Sir, an officer

said, “Should we fly over the belt?” “No need” said Ethlan, “The belt doesn’t have much in the way of

material or debris, so we should have no problem.” the large ship slowly passed through the belt,

and made its way towards mars. In fifteen minutes, the ship had reached mars, “Crew, stop the

ship and scan the Planet, for anything, life, buildings, or anything else.” “Sir!” a personnel said, I

think you should have a look at this.” Put it up on the big screen.“ responded Ethlan. Ethlan looked

on with intrigue and fascination, “Did you find any signs of life?” “No sir, just all this you see before

you.” the screen showed a destroyed colony, the buildings still burning to the ground, and dead

bodies all on the ground. “Turn it off .” Ethlan Said, “there’s nothing more to see here. Continue to


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