ఌ Kenny's b-day! (Fluff)

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It was Kenny's birthday, and his friends, Stan, Kyle, and Cartman, decided to celebrate by going to the newly opened laser tag place. Excitement filled the air as they entered the arena, ready for an epic battle. Stan and Kyle teamed up, and Kenny joined forces with Cartman. The laser tag game was intense, and they all laughed as they tried to outsmart each other, running around and firing lasers everywhere.

In the heat of the game, Stan and Kyle accidentally bumped into each other. Stan quickly apologized, saying, "Sorry man, didn't mean to bump into you." Kyle smiled and replied, "It's okay, I know you didn't mean to."
Meanwhile, Cartman managed to catch both Stan and Kyle off guard with a well-aimed laser shot. He couldn't resist making a teasing comment, "Oh, that's so sweet you guys! You want to go get a room so you can make out for a while?"

Stan and Kyle blushed furiously and yelled together, "SHUT UP FATASS!"

Despite their playful banter, they had a fantastic time, even though they lost the laser tag game. Afterward, they all went out to eat and sang a heartfelt happy birthday song to Kenny. As the night came to a close, Stan and Kyle found themselves chatting a lot after leaving the laser tag place. Blushing and exchanging shy glances, they finally made their ways home, their hearts filled with happiness.

After the exhilarating night of laser tag, Stan and Kyle couldn't wait to relive the excitement by calling each other once they got home. As they chatted on the phone, they reminisced about the fun they had, laughing at Cartman's teasing comments and Kenny's daring moves.

"I can't believe how much fun we had tonight," Stan said, a smile evident in his voice.

"Yeah, it was a blast! We should definitely do it again sometime," Kyle replied, his enthusiasm matching Stan's.

"Hey, speaking of doing things again, how about we hit the skating park tomorrow?" Stan suggested.

"That sounds awesome! Count me in," Kyle eagerly agreed.

They both agreed on the time and place to meet, making sure they wouldn't miss out on the fun. With their plans set for tomorrow, they finally decided it was time to call it a night.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow at the park then," Stan said.

"Yeah, see you there, Stan. Goodnight," Kyle replied warmly.

"Goodnight, Kyle," Stan said before they hung up the phone.

- The End

Authors message:

They are so gay, HOMO ALERT!! 🚨

Anyways, I can't stop making stories like it's too addicting. Do you guys like this so far? Maybe try to get this up for more people to read! I'm working on a special fluff story for you guys right now, just a spoiler but it's gonna be pretty long. ALSO DID YOU GUYS SEE THE REFERENCE? :D Give me more ideas please. 🙏🏼

488 words!

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