Chapter 4: The Cat Is Out Of The Bag

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Chapter Four: The Cat Is Out of The Bag.

            “What do you mean?” I asked confused. I closed the door behind me and moved to sit next to my feline companion.

            “What I mean is that I have found a spell that might just make your home life that much easier,” replied the cat. “I have found something that will make it no longer an issue for your mother to be around you.”

            “And that is? How will it make being part cat any easier?” I asked getting slightly frustrated at Kyubei’s games. I threw the hat off my head and threw it at the wall. This was just so much to take in all at once. What would my life become now that I was part cat? I still didn’t have a full of idea how much of a cat I was!

            “Calm down,” pleaded Kyubei. “I know it is a lot to take in, but I’m sure, with a little more time, I will be able to find something. For now, I have this spell that will smooth over your home life.”

            I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. “Then out with it already!”

            (Mrs. Hawkins’ POV)

            I couldn’t shake this feeling that something was up with Sara. She had been so strange lately and I was worried, just like any mother should. I had a hard time believing that it was a simple fever that was causing her to act like this. I also believed that it wasn’t my allergies kicking in and not some cold putting me through the recent torment of a sneezing frenzy. I was almost certain that she had hidden another cat in her room. I know how much she likes them, but it’s just impossible to take one in with my condition. Though, that hadn’t stopped her from taking in several strays in over the past few years.

            After finishing my morning routine, I walked up the stairs and headed for my daughter’s room. Normally I would respect my daughter’s privacy, but I couldn’t give her an inch if she was hiding a new pet. I stopped in front of her door and was just about to reach for the handle, but stopped when I heard my daughter talking to someone. The door was muffling what she was saying, but I could tell that she was frustrated. I at first thought that she was just talking to her pet and that I had caught red handed. However, my thoughts were completely changed when I heard a voice answer her. Not only did she have someone in her without my knowledge, not that it bothers me that her friends come and go, it is just usually I would’ve have known if one was here now. But, that wasn’t the problem. The problem was that the other voice was one of a guy! My mind raced with a thousand different thoughts. I knew for a fact that no one had come over this morning, which meant he would’ve spent the night. No wonder she was acting so strange and had been hiding up in her room. I realized that she was maturing and had already had the talk with her, but I never imagined she would already be…active. That would explain her unusual thirst and her late morning, who knows how long they were,,. Ugh! I don’t want to think about it. It also explained why she had been so awkward this morning.

            My problem now was what to do next. I couldn’t decide if I should go in or not. I didn’t want to risk scarring her and myself for life. On the other hand, I couldn’t just leave and let them continue. I was completely torn!

            After much debate, I decided that what was done is done and going in now wouldn’t change that fact. I would let her go for now, but I was definitely going to have a talk with her later, I would have to plan my next move carefully. I was stepping on thin ice here, one wrong step and I would fall into the cold water. Suddenly I felt another sneeze coming on. Not wanting to be heard, I quietly walked back downstairs before I went into another sneezing frenzy.

            (Sara’s POV)

            I waited impatiently for the cat to start talking and just when I thought I would get my answer he stopped and just sat there. I was about to ask what put what was going on, but Kyubei glared at me and just shook his head. I closed my mouth and waited for the cat to finish whatever it was he was doing, but I wasn’t happy about it. After a few more pain stalking minutes, which felt like hours, he began to speak. “Did you hear that?”

            This wasn’t what I wanted to hear. “What are you talking about now?!”

            “You didn’t hear it? I thought you had enhanced hearing.” He signed and looked at me like a hopeless child. “I think I heard your mother outside your door. She may have heard what we were saying. She might know your secret.”

            I froze in horror at this thought. I must have been so upset that I didn’t hear her. What if she did know? I had to go talk to hear. I stood and was getting ready to go, but Kyubei held me back. “Before you go, let me give you this spell.” Kyubei began to chant in some foreign tongue and started to become shrouded in a bright blue aura. The room suddenly darkened, as if someone was blocking out the sun, and a chilly breeze began to blow, despite the window being closed. Just as soon as it had started, it ended. I looked around myself and the room, but noticed nothing was different. I turned to the cat, a look of questioning on my face. “The spell wasn’t for you. I cast it on your mother. If all went well, and I’m sure it did, she will no longer have allergies. You can talk to her normally now.

            I smiled and felt a little of my burden lift off my shoulders. “Thanks.” I grabbed my hat and put it back on my head. I ran out of my room to find my mother. I had to talk to her, but I wouldn’t tell her anything unless she knew. So first I had to figure out if she knew what had happened to me.   

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