Chapter 1

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Well, we might as well start
from when Wei Wuxian dies and all that,yeah?

Wei Wuxian was in the market, getting food, clothing, and medicine to bring back to the Burial Mounds. He was in the middle of walking down the street when someone appeared behind him and slit him throat. (there's a million people who want to kill him, so don't ask who)

The last thing Wei Wuxian remembers, is falling while unable to breath. The next thing he knows, he's opening his eyes and is completely okay. He wakes up,
laying on the floor. He gets up
and dusts himself off, walking around to figure out where he is.

As he wonders around, he spots a town and decides to go to it. As he's walking through the town, he notices that everyone has pale, ghostlike skin. Some of the "people" don't even look human, some having pig heads, or tails, or horns.

"What is this place..?" Wei Wuxian thought as he walked around. He continued looking around, looking at all the different food and clothing stands.

He continues walking for some time. He feels several eyes on him, knowing it's from the towns people. He looked behind him, several towns people staring at him in fear, feeling the amount of resentment energy and strength radiating off of him. When they notice they were caught staring, they instantly moved onto doing something else.

Wei Wuxian ignored them and continued walking through the city before be approaches a large, palace like structure. He looked up and saw a large sign, it reading "Gambler's Den". He felt intrigued. He entered the building, even though he wouldn't be able to gamble from the lack of money, he could still watch it happen.

He walks around the building and enters a large room, a large gambling table in the middle with a few smaller ones surrounding it along with a few pool tables. In front of the large gambling table, there was a large, red curtain, someone sitting behind it.

"They must be the boss here or something.." Wei Wuxian thought has he stepped closer.

After a few steps, he froze as he felt the amount of resentment and strength coming from the mystery person, but also a sense of.. familiarity? He could tell that the person behind the curtain felt the same way from the way that the person froze before sitting up straight, looking around for a moment.

"Hua Chengzhu? Is something wrong?" Someone from the gambling table asked, noticing his
master's odd behavior.

"Do you feel that? The amount of resentment? There's someone here.." Hua Cheng answers the person, which is unusual for him. He then stands up and gets closer to the curtain to feel it easier. The other ghosts freeze as they try and help their master.

After a few minutes, Hua Cheng looks towards Wei Wuxian's direction, spotting him instantly.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?!" Hua Cheng asks him, speaking strictly

"I am unsure what I am doing here. Someone came up from
behind me and slit my
throat as I was shopping." Wei Wuxian answered honestly, stay on guard. Anything could happen.

"Who are you?" Hua Cheng asks this again, wanting an answer to his question.

"Wei Ying, courtesy Wei Wixian, also known as the Yiling Patriarch." Wei Wuxian cups his hands and bows as he introduces himself before standing back up straight.

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