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I know I said I would try to update daily, but when I first made this it was during my vacation, so I didn't have any time and I couldn't work on anything at night because I was too tired from the day's activities.

When I got back home, I had to leave again soon after because my grandmother had passed and I needed to attend her funeral and was busy again.

I am sorry for those who had waited, I'll try and make chapter 2 as soon as possible. I am currently at summer day camp and won't be picked up till 5-5:30 PM EST.

I also have open gym Monday and Tuesday, and volleyball tryouts Wednesday and Thursday. So I'll be busy next week as well, but whenever I have enough free time and some more ideas, I'll update again.

Also, thank you for all the reads and votes! It means a lot too me and I'm glad people enjoy this story! 🫶🏼🫶🏼

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