being a protector

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Chase's POV: I was making some food, making sure everything was right and good as I heard someone walk in. "Hello?"

Max:hi big brother

Chase: need something bro

Max: when you get to school today make sure you be good make friends and not get into too many fights

Chase: why does it feel like your doing the parenting while I'm the oldest

Max: get to school now

Chase: no breakfast then

Max: I got to go to school I'm trying out for the football club

Chase: fine *gets my lunch and go to school

P.o.v right when Chase got into class Chase Rocky Zuma Everest and Skye noticed that Marshall was not in

Ms.Lily: listen up class I have some terrible news Marshall will probably not be coming in for a couple of days family problems

Chase: hope he's okay

Skye: oh shut up Chase why do you care you basically call him psychopath crazy delinquent freak you have no idea what he's going through me and Everest still so just shut up and I mean shut up

Chase: * leans back, keeping my mouth shut*

Skye: before I could say anything else to Chase Rocky Zuma or even Rubble even though he was the type and put her hand on top of mine

Everest:  easy Skye, it's okay. He could be thinking about his health.  Like we all do

Marshall: it's fine I'm used to being called the delinquip and I know that their thoughts on me will not change and for that I do not care I said standing right beside Everest so do not stress yourself out for me

Everest: *jumps in my seat* where'd you come from

Marshall: sorry sorry I didn't mean to scare you but did you guys want to hang out I said seeing Chase giving me that glare

Everest: you bet! You up to join Skye

Skye: I would love to and maybe Marshall we can help you figure out a way to unlock your Beast form

Everest: agreed

Marshall: you girls don't have to do that

Everest and Skye: we want to

Marshall p.o.v after class me sky and Everest was walking through the hallway as a bear tiger lion and wolf was getting bullied by six rhinos as their boss was getting ready to punch the bear I quickly get in front and catch his punch with one hand

Marshall: what do you think you're doing I said as sky and Everest beside them and being back where I was as they were surprised how quick I am

Everest: what the

???: what do you want

Marshall: I look behind me are you guys okay I said to the wolf bear lion and tiger

???: Yeah this bastard is trying to take over the Wolf gang

???: Same with the bears

???: And the tigers

???: And the lions

Skye: the flip

Marshall: let me ask you this do you hurt anyone in your gang

???: No the bear lion and wolf and tiger gangs are in alliance to protect everyone from the rhino and bison gang since they want to bully everyone

Everest: that sounds crazy for those rhino's to bully others

Marshall: well I guess I will help you guys out all six of you can come at me if you have the good

Rhino leader: you really want to go shrimp

Marshall: I put my hands behind my back

Rhino Leader: *Cracks my knuckles

Marshall:*I let out of yawn basically insulting the rhino leader

Rhino Leader: *rushes at the boy

Marshall:*I quickly Dodge as I slide up under two rhinos before flipping over one kicking him on the back of his head ass I spend dodging the others is that all you got

Pov: the rhino's gang rush to fight Marshall hard

Marshall: "I quickly grabbed one rhino by the arm as I jumped double kicking too before flipping the rhino that I had by the arm as I motion one hand behind my back with the other right in front of me" try harder

Chase: *watches from a distance in silence as the rhino's tried and fail to take Marshall down


Marshall: well if that's all you got you might as well just go on

Rhino leader: I will never give up

Marshall: guess what I'm bored all of you are boring me so I'll let you get one free hit

Rhino leader: *slams a punch square in the boy's face

Marshall:*the rhinos leader hand completely shattered when it came into contact with my face as I delivered a strong punch sending him through five walls

Rhino leader: *groans

Chase's mind: recoshad hard, yet he took a blow with ease. I think I'll keep out of this for now

Marshall: oh come on little mouse you have two options stay and then go to the hospital or run along like the scared little mouse you are

Rhino leader: I'll deal with you later

Marshall: I bust out laughing Big talk coming from a little mouse I seen tigers with bigger things and with bigger balls

Chase's mind: he's not wrong on that. Maybe I should go

POV: Chase quietly left as the other 5 rhinosvwent to fight Marshall, trying to get revenge for their boss

Marshall: get out of my sight before I burn all of you to Ash and that's not no threat that's a promise

POV: the rhino's took off with their leader

Marshall: they shouldn't bother you guys for a couple of days

Wolf: thank you so much

Marshall: I'll see you guys around ready to go I said to sky and Everest

Skye: Oh yeah!

Everest: *was looking at a tree before looking at Marshall and nods

Marshall: okay

Everest: Shall we go?

Skye: * looks at Everest, who seemed kinda on edge about something* What's going on?

Marshall: yeah

Everest: I'm fine Skye, lets just get going

P.o.v Marshall looks out of the corner of his eye right at the tree as his eye changed making whoever at the tree begin to sweat so bad and pure terrifying fear

Everest: Marshall, let's go!

Marshall: I walked past Everest and sky as I said there's no point of hiding from your fears  because no matter how hard you run and no matter how far you hide your fears will always be there but the thing is that's why you have friends to stand besides you take it from someone who offices father and little brother I said as I keep walking

Skye: very true

Everest: *nods

to be continued

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