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right now the 2 boys are 6 and enjoying themselves at the park (this is like 5 months after the incident)

izu: haha to-to-todo you cant c-c-catch me!

todo:yes, i can

*side note izu glitches on his voice bc of his powers*

*enter young bakugou*

bakugou: hey dummy 1 and 2

izu: what do you-you want?

bakugou: jeez can you ever stop glitching its so annoying

izu: i can-cant its apart of-fof my quirk. it-its uncontroll-ollable

todo: please stop bothering us

bakugou: never weaklings

*bakugou then uses his quirk on todo and izu, giving them briuses and making them bleed from the mouth*

*bakugou runs away*

todo: come on lets go...

izu:o-o-ok todo

*they go back home*

enjii: my masterpiece and his freind! what happened to you

izu: baku-aku-gou picked on u-u-us again

todo:hes rude

enjii: alright well come on

*enjii grabs a medkit and starts putting cotton balls on the wounds on thier mouth*

todo: thanks father

izu: thanks mister todorok-rok-i

enjii: no problem kids, now go play

todo: come on midoriya

izu: alright

*they leave to go to their room to play*

todo: hey midoriya

izu: yes todo-odo

todo: do you think will ever get stronger

izu: of cour-ourse! in fact, we mi-igh-tt even be better than-an bakugo-ou

todo: maybe your right

izu: best frein-rein-d-d hug?

todo: ok

*they hug*

a/n ok were going into povs now (cause thats like, one of my best writing skill)

midoriya pov


when i go to sleep i see darkness

no dream

no nothing

"helllllo anykid with rabbit ears here! i need to talk to them" i look in closer to the void,i see a rabbit, no, a man in a rabbit suit. he was a pale yellow with a grin vorever imprinted on his head, ears looking exactly like mine, same with the eyes. "who ar-are you?" the man steps gloser glitching in the progress. "the names glitchtrap dear apprentee!" he bows down before me "apren-en-tee?" i tily my head in confusion. "well of course! why do you think you have my ears, eyes, and even glitch! you have my blood in you" i cant head but make my jaw drop, enjii always said he found me on the street, which is probably true. "why doe-oes that ma-at-attter?" he  leans in "beacause, you wanted to be stronger right, i just want to make you stronger for your destiny" he moves back floating, lighting up a cigar, waiting for my answer. "destin-in-iny?" i start questiong a lot more than before. "well ofcourse! youre destiny is secret but lets say its . . . phyco" he finishes his sentance with a lunatic laugh, "why should i trust-ust you?" the rabbit suit man holds out his hand. "come on i can help you with bakugou, and maybe some bloodshed"  for some reason that sentance didnt scare me, just gave me some sort of thrill. "fine wi-ier-erd rabbit th-i-ing." i shake his hand as he shakes it franticly "great! the names glitchtrap! now listen kid i aint got no time till you wake up so meet me everytime in your dream yea, ok, bye!" i gasp before i even say anything. todo came up to me "are you awake?" i stand up rubbing my head "yea im fi-i-ine" 

perfectly fine


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