Picking Sides

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It took several months for your divorce from Jack to be finalized, luckily you two had agreed on most things so it went fairly smooth. Neither of you wanted to drag the process on any longer than you needed to. You had moved out of the house you and Jack shared about 3 months into the divorce. You had moved to Kentucky before you two got married, so Jack had split his time home at his family's house or at Urban's house until you could move out.

You were both struggling after your divorce, no one said it would be easy, but you both expected it to be a little easier than it was since both of you didn't love each other anymore. Even though you felt like a weight had been lifted off of you after you kissed Urban that night, it didn't make the process any easier. Urban stayed by your side helping you, and Jack, whenever he could.

The first time you kissed Urban, wasn't the last, and in fact, you had done more then kiss Urban since that night. You and Urban were taking your relationship slow, in fact, you hadn't even put a label on your relationship. Urban understood you didn't want to rush into another relationship just months after your marriage ended. Actually, Urban encouraged it, as much as he did like you, he didn't want to become a rebound. He wanted you to learn how you love yourself again before loving him.

Jack missed you more then he would admit, even to Urban, but he still hadn't reached out to talk to you. You missed Jack too but having Urban around helped. Jack knew you were hanging out with Urban, but he didn't know about the kisses or hook ups. Jack would check on you through Urban, and towards the beginning of your divorce, Urban would keep Jack updated on how you were doing, but the more his relationship grew with you, the less he let Jack know. Urban thought that Jack should be moving on just like you were trying to.

Urban was at the studio with Jack, Clay, Sunni and a couple other friends, but he was distracted by his phone, texting you.

"Who are you texting?" Sunni asked.

"What?" Urban asked, looking up from his phone.

"Who are you texting? You've been smiling at your phone since you got here." Sunni said and Urban blushed, tilting his head down to hide his face.

"Ohh, is our Urban in love?" Copeland teased and Urban shook his head.

"No, I'm not in love." Urban said, which wasn't exactly true, he did love you, he just didn't want anyone, especially Jack, to know.

"Yeah, sure looks like you are." Jack teased.

"What? I can't text someone without being in love with them?" Urban asked.

"Not with how you've been smiling and blushing at your phone." Clay added and Urban rolled his eyes.

"Guys, just drop it. It's not a big deal." Urban said, sending you a text before putting his phone in his pocket.

"We'll drop it if you tell us her name." Sunni said and Urban shook his head.

"No, I'm not going to tell you her name." Urban said, he couldn't, especially with Jack in the room.

"Ohh so it's a girl! Urban's texting a girl." Copeland teased.

"Just drop it, I'm not going to tell you anything about her. You'll know once you need to." Urban said and Copeland held his hands up.

"Okay, okay, fine, I'll drop it." Copeland said, everyone else going back to work.

About 2 hours later, everyone was still working, but Urban had made plans and he didn't expect to be at the studio all night.

"Look, I have to leave, but I'll be here for the studio session tomorrow." Urban said standing up from the couch.

"Where are you going?" Jack asked and Urban sighed.

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