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Tears drizzled out from seokjin's eyes...he was trying to stand up.. And his head hit on the overhead locker of plane...
Jin placed his hand over the hurted area in his head and bending backwards to see where was his kookeee...

Jin was looking backwards and jungkook came from infront...

"Seokjin....!"jungkook called him but seokjin couldn't hear so he didn't look back so jungkook placed his hand over his shoulder ..

"Kookeee!!"jin called...jungkook helped him to make him sit on his seat .

"Place your head over my hand!"jungkook signalled jin...

When jin did that he put ear drops on jin's ear that was visible. .he repeated it again on the other side.

Then he signalled jin to raised his face and gave him nose drops inside his nose.

Jin started coughing.."It's bitter...kookee...bitter "

Jungkook gave him water "drink it"

After Sometimes later when jin could feel comfort...he looked at his Kookeee with a smile and quickly peaked his lips 💋
Jungkook became bewildered observing jin's behaviour...

Jin shyly said "sweetheart!"

"Are you really insane or acting like that..sometimes I become confused!!"

After landing in their destination, they were heading towards their hotel..taehyung and jimin were infront of jinkook couple and their parents were behind...
Jungkook was holding seokjin's hand so that jin didn't lost the track...

When they reached at the hotel..one employee guided them in their rooms..
Jin suddenly removed his hold from jungkook and ran to jimin and holding his hand he said "jimineee...I will stay with you.!"

Hearing this taehyung felt irritating. He got close to jimin and holding his waist tightly he whispered in his ear "I am going to our room....and I want you there within one hour...manage this problem and come first.i am not going to tolerate this type of things ..its supposed to be our honeymoon...this converted into a family trip just because of your cousin!"
Hearing the lock taehyung started "you become late ....i don't get it why you never scold him....learn to scold him..if you started scolding him ,he will stay far away from you and never think about demands something...by the way I took my bath...come to our bed taking bath..hygiene is important "
Taehyung tightening his bath Robe and left from there.

Tae was lying on the bed and Hearing music 🎶 ..

Hearing the fake coughing sound tae look at th person with a smile thinking its jimin..

"Jungkook..you?"taehyung was bewildered finding jungkook there standing in their honeymoon swit

"Actually hyung jin was crying.so jimin hyung could not leave him and sent me to accompany you"

"It's you who was taking bath in this bathroom?"

"Yes you told me to take bath as hygiene is important right hyung?!"jungkook said innocently

"I was thinking..it was jimin!"taehyung said frustratedly.

Why I Married  You!♥️(Jinkook)🌷[discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now