chapter III

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Ongsa and Sun have been texting back and forth for weeks now. Ongsa still was going under the pseudo name Earth, she was scared that if Sun found out who she really is she might reject him, considering the fact that she doesn't know if Sun was into women or not.

To be fair she has never seen or heard of Sun dating anyone. Sun was popular and loved by everyone but was never seen dating anyone. So she felt extra special that Sun allowed her to hit on her even though she hasn't revealed her true identity.

She would buy Sun snacks, flowers and secretly give it to her with a note attached. She would also send her sweet good morning messages first thing when she woke up, and good night messages before she fell asleep.

There more she got to know Sun, there more she realised that they connect on a spiritual level. They had so much in common, Sun had an amazing sense if humor, loved flowers especially daisies and lillies. She loved art, specifically painting and she loved musical theater.

She wished she could gather the courage to reveal her true identity to Sun so they can go hiking, visit art galleries, picnic dates and take Polaroid pictures together. But she was scared, she was scared that Sun would reject her and she doesn't think she can handle that.

"North! Tell me what to do." Ongsa whined.

"Just tell her who you are and stop complaining." North said busy writing something down on his notebook.

"Haven't you been listening to me? I told you I am scared that she might hate me." Ongsa said.

"Ongsa if she hates you because you are you then she might be the dumbest person I know." North replied.

"Hey don't call Sun dumb." Ongsa said hitting North lightly on the shoulder.

"Listen Ongsa, you are my bestfriend and even though I don't say it enough, or admit it outloud but I love you. You are an incredible person, you're kind, funny, crazy smart I mean you have like a 4.0 GPA and you are actually not bad-looking." North replied looking at Ongsa intently.

Ongsa had shivers because she could tell that North was being sincere.

"Are you trying to tell me I am pretty?" Ongsa said jokingly wanting to lighten the sudden heavy mood.

"Ew! Okay fine maybe you are a little bit pretty. But on a serious note 'Sa. Any person would be lucky enough to be with you. So just tell her the truth." North said with the same sincerity in his voice.

"What happened to you?" Ongsa asked eyeing North suspiciously. 

"What do you mean?" North asked feeling a bit confused.

"You are being all mushy and stuff, that's very unlike you." Ongsa replied.

"Oh fuck off Ongsa, I am trying to be a good friend here." North said rolling his eyes.

"There he is! For a second there I thought you were an imposter." Ongsa replied.

North was about to answer her when he saw night walking across from the bench they were sitting.

"I gotta go 'Sa. See you in class." North said hurriedly packing away his stuff into his bagpack.

"Where are you going?" Ongsa asked confused as to where her bestfriend was going. During lunch time even, that was so unlike him. Something must have happened, she believed.

"None of your business. Love ya bye." North replied with a toothy grin, waving at his friend before he ran after a particular boy.

He thought he had lost track of the boy when he suddenly showed up in front of him with a stern expression on his face. North couldn't help but smile at this adorable grumpy-kitten looking boy.

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