text twenty nine

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louis: hey

harry: u have no idea how much i have missed this?

louis: me saying "hey"?

harry: yes

harry: when u text me i get all blushy and happy

harry: just like a teenage girl with a crush

louis: who was your first real crush?


harry: my first real crush was louis tomlinson

louis: harry

louis: that's beautiful harry

louis: but i gotta say im kinda confused

harry: wut why

louis: I thought you didn't like me like a bf?


harry: erm I love you so so so sos so ssos os sos so much lou I can't even explain it

harry: i was so sos sos os sos os si happy when u asked me to be ur bf but..

harry: u would be my first bf and i just don't think text message is romantic

harry: sorry lou

louis: oh

louis: first of all, u need to work on spelling SO correct

louis: second of all, im sorry haz im not that kind of person who is romantic

louis: i just don't know how to be romantic

louis: so u can be the romantic one

harry: fine with that sweetheart

louis: so does this mean we are boyfriend and boyfriend?

harry: well

harry: forget all that romantic shit

harry: HELL YES

louis: and I'll promise that when we meet i will ask you the romantic way

louis: well i just need some advice from lottie

harry: lottie is great at advice

louis: what?

harry: what?

louis: no i said what first

harry: what are u talking about

harry: it's really good weather today

louis: it's raining?

harry: wanna hear a joke

louis: nah, i'm good

harry: please

louis: what do you mean by lottie giving good advice?

harry: well i just figured she does?

louis: harry stop telling lies

harry: it's only a little white lie

louis: harry harry

louis: but okay if u don't want to tell me it's okay

louis: i just don't want any lies

louis: I've had enough lies in my life

louis: so let's make a deal?

louis: always be honest to each other, even if the truth is painful

harry: deal

harry: and I'm sorry boo

harry: but soon u will find out

louis: I'm scared

harry: oh u should be

louis: omg


louis: u r making me blush

louis: and I'm with lottie

louis: she is smiling like crazy

louis: it's kinda creepy

louis: she looks like she is gonna die any second
harry: do larry shippers have no chill?

harry: u r freaking lou out haha

lottie: but it's just so cute

lottie: I think I'm gonna die

harry: but then U can't be there at our wedding)):

lottie: *dead*
harry: sisters are weird ahah

louis: tell me about it

louis: well i gotta go now bby

louis: i love you

harry: i love you 2 bby

louis: oops

harry: hi
what do you think of them getting together?

I'm writing this on my iphone 6!!!!!! so if u have an iPhone 6 we can be iphone buddies? idek..

i had such a great QOTD but now I don't remember ));

bye babes love you

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