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jk : mumma i m going ..bye take care.
mom: bye ..
so jk is 18 years old student , who study bechlore of arts in HLV university ,seoul.
His father is a great stock market trader so he belongs to rich family.

yeah, he is goodlooking as alwys ..Mt god in reality also ye is so handsome😉

just like damn uhhhlala😈

Ye went university and meet his friends v and jimin..
both are his best friend from childhood.

v: heyy buddy come fast.
jimin : ya bro u r alredy 10 min late, why r u so late😐
jk: hii...actually i donno why i m late😁
jimin: bro ....siriously wht r you..😂
v: guys lets go

when they entered in the class  jk eyes fall on a girls whom ne like the most from the starting but ye is not able to tell her that he like her...🤧

to be continue.....
stay tuned

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