Well... Will You?

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(Lucius's POV)

I didn't think she'd still be here let alone be my friend... She's so inoccent... She must have just rubbed it off.

"Hey Lucius~ how was work?"

"Good, good.... Hey wanna take a walk to park with me? Maybe have a piknic?"

She smiled her million dollar smile.

"Yeah sure, I should be ready at 1:00?"

"Yup that works great, see ya later."


My heart is racing a million miles a second... This is it... I'm gonna ask her, and even if she rejects we will still be friends.... God I forgot how beautiful she was... So many years without her.

*Time skip/1:15/your POV*

Lucius and I had just finished lunch, when his demeanor changed from happy,shy, and nervous, to hopefull,alluring, and sexy.

"Hey, (Y/n)... I wanted to know something..."

"What is it?"

"I wanted to know if you would... Be my-mine."

A trip over words but still romantic.

"Yes! Of course yes~"

We fell into a warm embrace, I was happy I was crying, and growing tired from my tears I fell asleep, and he took me home and tucked me into bed.

Lucius the Antichrist x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now