Chapter 45: sudoku game

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Shi Yuan finally donated the money to the Children's Welfare Institute.

Cheng Youwen left the money to him. And he thought, Isabella loves kids so much, and Tracy, this is probably the best place to put the money.

Back on the tram, Shi Yuan sent a message asking Lu Tinghan if he could see Xia Fang.

Lu Tinghan replied to him that visits are not allowed in the prison recently, so he can only leave a message.

So Shi Yuan dialed the phone number of the prison and left a message to Xia Fang: [I went to No. 149 Maple Leaf Street, Ms. Isabella used to live there, and she has been dead for eight years. I just want to tell you that the money from the troupe is not reserved for her, but for Tracy to have surgery next year. 】

He hesitated for a long time, and added another sentence: [We didn't have time, Tracy died of a serious illness 3 months ago, she missed you very much]

After the news is sent out, it will be passed on to Xia Fang after being reviewed by the prison.

Shi Yuan didn't know how Xia Fang would react, but he felt that Xia Fang wanted to know this.

The tram moved forward silently, and soon arrived in front of a blue building.

All kinds of people come and go, here is the work distribution center.

When Shi Yuan walked in, a bunch of people lined up in front of the counter, waiting for their number to be called. He took the number plate and waited for more than half an hour, and finally it was his turn.

The expressionless female staff took away his ID card, tapped on the keyboard, and asked, "Have you worked in a food distribution place before?"

"Yes." Shi Yuan said.

The female staff checked Shi Yuan's information.

【Name: Shi Yuan

Sex: Male

Address: None

Occupation: None

Educational Level: Doubtful (literacy)

Previous residence: no

ID number: s600245]

She frowned slightly: "Unfortunately, the assignment office here is not short of people. Your personal information seems... not very good, you can't be qualified for high-level jobs, and you don't seem to be good at manual work. In your past work, you have Any highlights, can you introduce yourself?"

Shi Yuan thought about it for a while: "I cook a lot." He added, "Other people always shake their rice spoons a few times, shaking down a lot of vegetables, but I can't, my hands are very steady."

Female staff: "..."

Female employee: "Um, well, let's not talk about cooking, do you have any other specialties?"

Shi Yuan thought about it again, and summed up his own advantages: "I feel that I am more... optimistic? I am very happy every day."

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