3- sleeping

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Ships = Nagisagi Rinsagi(?) Johan x Isagi ig
*effects* (ig)

Nagisagi might be a common ship In this story Ig.
•                ~                ★                 ~              •

Once Johan was done with her packing she quickly ran to Isagi's room.

"WASSUP GUYS!!", Johan barged into their room to see Isagi in-between Nagi's arm and legs, all cozy while watching something on Nagi's phone.

Isagi and Nagi turned their heads to Johan to see her with a weird expression on her face.
'wtf? For sum reason I wanna read bls', Johan scrunched up face closing her eyes but it also looked like she was thinking of something.

"Uhm why you making that face? You look goofy"
Nagi said as Isagi moved his position next to Nagi so Johan could sit next to him.

"You always look goofy so don't talk what are you guys watching?", Johan was seated next to Isagi so Isagi was in the middle of them.
"We're watching the new eposide that came out!", Isagi happily said as Johan gave him an annoyed face.

"Of what?"
"Oh- jjk!"

"Isagi started the episode as Johan settled down.

.¸.•*'•.¸¸.•{𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐏}.¸.•*'•.¸¸.•*
.¸.•*'•.¸¸.•*•.¸.•*¯•.¸.•*¯ •.¸.•*¯•.¸.•

"AHAHHAHSHAHAHHSHSHSHHSHSH OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG WHYYYY TOJI WHYYY??!!!!", Johan started screaming so loudly that Isagi had to cover up his ears making loosing the grip on the phone.

"oh my gosh why are you screaming?", Nagi picked the phone that was laying on Isagi's lap, typing in the password since it closed.
that was a hyperbole (its Gojo...he aint gon die)

"can you quite down your being a bit dramatic"Isagi said as he played the episode.

"yeah yeah okok"

Johan was starting to get tired so she scooted abit closer to Isagi so she could lay her head on his shoulder but, it looks like Johan wasnt the only tired one because Nagi was also laying his head on Isagi.

When the 2 fell asleep, Isagi didnt know what they did so it felt like 2 heavy pillows had dropped onto his shoulders.

It looks like they are comfortable with Isagi (to comfortable 👀).

Isagi was also feeling abit tired so he paused the episode and tried reaching over to the bedside table to place the phone.

He tried positioning Johan and Nagi under to blankets as he slid down under the covers.

It was cold under the blankets and the three were wearing shorts and short sleeves but they couldn't bother changing so they slept like that.

.¸.•*'•.¸¸.•{𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐏}.¸.•*'•.¸¸.•*
.¸.•*'•.¸¸.•*•.¸.•*¯•.¸.•*¯ •.¸.•*¯•.¸.•

Isagi woke up feeling all hot and sweaty for sum reason and had the sudden urge to drink water, it was a good thing he didnt change to long sleeves and pants.

He tried getting up from the bed to feel heavy weights on him clinging to his arms and legs.
'Maybe thats why I'm sweating', Isagi tried moving the 2 giants of him but failed miserably as he felt so tired.

'ugh I need water!', after a few more tries he finally got Johan to move abit since she was abit more lighter and shorter than Nagi.

He slid away from their hold and went to the kitchen to get icy cold water to cool down.

On his way to the kitchen, Isagi was still half asleep and it was bit dark and couldn't  really see anything so he tried looking for the light switch until he bumped into something, or was it a someone?

"Oi watch where your going lukewarm"
Oh right 'lukewarm'. As soon as he heard that word he knew it was that person, Itoshi rin.

"uh sorry my bad.", Isagi got out of the way and turned on the light switch but it didn't turn on.

"Did you not get an email? The principal said the power was shut of for some reason", Rin said turning off the light switch so when the lights turn back on it isn't on.
"How could I know when it's literally 2 in the morning?"

"I dunno anyways what do you even need anyway?", Rin asked hinting that he was going to get it.

"Well I need ice water"
"For what? Its literally winter right now?"
"Well cant you see how sweating I am right now? Im going to literally die"

"Dont be dramatic" Rin said as he headed to the kitchen to get what Isagi wanted.

"Also wheres my roommate Johan was it the name? Also tell them that their spelling sucks, they cant even spell my name right." Rin said as he handed Isagi his water.

"Johan? Well she's currently in my room sleeping right now with Nagi."

"Oh..anyways im leaving now"Rin said as he headed to his room.

"byee", Isagi went back to his room with the cup still in his hand making sure he doesn't bump into anything or anyone, again.

He safely made his way back to the room and placed the cup on the table as he finished drinking the water.

He went over to his bed to see Nagi and Johan all over the bed.

Nagi was sleeping on the pillow with his foot on Johans face and Johan sleeping where the feet was supposed to be.

"omg lol I have to take a photo!", Isagi grabbed his phone that was charging on the table and took a photo of Nagi and Johan's weird sleeping position.

Isagi hopped in the bed still a bit sweaty but this time he slept next to the wall with Nagi on his right.

Isagi felt a heavy leg go over his back, he knew it was Nagi but he didn't do anything since it wasn't that bad until Nagi shifted closer to him placing half his body on top of Isagi.

Isagi didn't mind, he actually felt the heaviness comforting for some reason.

Nagi shifted off Isagi and right next to the wall meaning Isagi was back into the middle.

Nagi some how managed to put the blankets down so that they could breathe since they were going to die of the hotness.

Isagi slept around 2:37 am with 2 half bodies placed on top his (basically).

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-1063 words


also chapter 4 will (?) be coming tomorrow and for some reason my other story views are still going up 🤔

anyways BYE MY POOKIES!!!


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