1 - new school

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𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 = abit of Nagisagi ig?

1st chapter, hope it's good (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
• ~ ★ ~ •

𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕:

Isagi and Johan walked inside the big building in front of them.
Today was Isagi's and Johan's first day at school.

This school wasn't really a school. It only had a few subjects which are Science, Health, Maths and history.
The rest are sport related like PE, gym + more.
This is a basically a 'SPORT HIGH' were girls and boys under 20 are allowed to enrol and learn any sport they wish to play.

As Isagi and Johan entered the school, they were greeted by their friends Nagi and Reo. (They are really close with eachother btw)

Reo was popular around the school (especially the girls an Im 1 of em ;)). He was handsome, smart, rich and athletic.
Nagi was also pretty popular because he standed out with his snow white like hair, his athletic skill and gaming skill.

Since Reo an Nagi were popular all eyes were on them, including Isagi an Johan.

"Uhm why are people staring at us?", Johan said abit loudly that some people took their eyes of them as Isagi nodded his head in agreement.
"yeah why are people looking at us?"

"Well uh idk how to put it? I guess u can say were pretty well known here", Reo said scratching the back of his neck until the bell rang so Reo led Isagi and Johan to their lockers to put them away then went to class.

"Whats your first class?" Reo asked Johan as she replied back. "Uhm Health with Isagi..I hate health T-T"

"Oh me and nagi also have Health! And its ok since its your first day you wont have to do much!" Said Reo

"Really? Good cause I would rather do maths *sigh*" Johan said as the 4 went to their class.

Once class ended, the 4 of them decided to have lunch at the rooftop since not many people are up there and cause Nagi doesn't want to deal with his fangirls cause its a bother,

While Isagi and Reo were talking with each other's, Johan and Nagi were playing Genshin with together.Johan found put how much she and Nagi have in common.

"omg Nagi imagine we are actually long lost  unidentical twins", Johan said making Nagi look up at her.
"ye what if!" Nagi said as he looked back down to continue his game as Johan did the same.

"Oh btw you can call me seishiro" Nagi said.
"Hm Seishiro is to long, how bout Shiro! not Sei cause it sounds like Sae..and you can call me Vivi!" Johan said. (Her full name is Johan Vinnie.)

"Hey Vivi, are you Chinese? I mean ur name sounds Chinese", Nagi said curiously looking at her.

'Omg I love talking about myself!' Johan thought.
"Well my mom is Chinese and my dad is German" Johan said.
"Oh I think you might know my dad! Axel Johan the famous German soccer player! I want to be like my dad but its to much of a bother" johan said looking down at her phone playing.

"Yeah I agree with u and Ive heard bout him before", Nagi said replying to Johan.

Thinking about the famous German player got Nagi thinking about the popular German guy in the soccer club, Micheal Kaiser was his name.

"look at these little gamers" Reo chuckled while Isagi laughed.
"Who u calling little" Nagi said as he got a bit tired, since he was sitting next to Isagi he decided to lay his head oh his shoulder. Isagi scooted a little closer to him since he knows thats what Nagi wants (Isagi is used to this).

As Isagi and Reo talked, Johan just watched the Beta squad on her phone (she was watching the one when Harry was doing a blind date ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ).

      . ¸.•*'•.¸¸.•{𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐏}.¸.•*'•.¸¸.•*
.¸.•*'•.¸¸.•*•.¸.•*¯•.¸.•*¯ •.¸.•*¯•.¸.•

School ended as the 4 of them walked out of the school building.

"Hey guys did you hear that there is school dorms available know! Its four people each dorm!" Reo said excitedly.

"Really? Yoi do you think aunt will let us?" Johan said (Johan lives with Isagi cause her mom is like 💀 and her dad is busy and her aunt is Isagi's his mom and Yoi is a nickname for Yoichi).

"Idk but we can ask. Bye Reo bye Nagi!" Isagi said as he waved at the 2 as they waved back.

     .¸.•*'•.¸¸.•{𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐏}.¸.•*'•.¸¸.•*
.¸.•*'•.¸¸.•*•.¸.•*¯•.¸.•*¯ •.¸.•*¯•.¸.•

*Door opening*
"Mom guess what!" Isagi said as he ran to his mom with Johan behind him.

"Hmm? Oh what is it Yoichi?" Isagi's mom said turning to look at the 2 coming in.

"Well at school there are dorms you can stay in for free and we were wondering if we could stay in one of them!" Johan said as she waited for an answer.

"Hmm well you guys are 17 and 16 now so I guess you guys can stay in the dorms", Isagi's mom said as she smiled.

"YAY!!" Isagi and Johan said in synch as they jumped.

"Lets get packing Vivi!" Isagi said as he ran to his room as Johan went to her room.

It took about 1/2 hours for them to pack, after all the packing they decided to sleep in the living area since they will be leaving tmr and decided to watch Romantic Killer (stopped at ep 10)
They slept at 1:43 am. (Btw Isagi woke up with Johans foot on his face (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜)

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-1011 words


TODAY WAS MY FIRST DAY BACK AT SCHOOL AND OMG MY STOMACH HURTED SO BAD ~(>_<~) it did not feal nice at all (ಡ‸ಡ).


Btw Im trying to update this story everday or at least every 2 or daily day since im feeling more motivated these days also trying to write atleast over 1000 words or at least over 800 words ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ!

- your fav entj, Vinnie

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