Chapter 39 - Not All of It

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- Third POV - 

"Before Ame Pal oversaw the creation of this ancient city, I had already built my own home deep within."

Although she looked like (Y/m/n), the way she walked, spoke, even the way she composed herself, definitely felt like a different entity. And who better to talk to about these powers and abilities than The Enchantress herself? 


As she heard her name, her figure morphed back into herself. Her long black hair contrasted her pale skin. The Enchantress started pacing the large circular rune on the floor, paying no attention to (Y/n) as she talked. Her robes dragging along the stone behind her. It took (Y/n) a moment to realise just what she was wearing. 

They were sorcerer's robes. Black. The seams and runes that decorated it however were silver and purple. Her sleeves were much longer than her arms and trailed down to the floor. And along her bodice, purple gems adorned her wardrobe. Much similar to the purple gem that now rested in the New York sanctum.

"Please, call me Riu. I always hated that name. Besides, the Romans stole it later on." Her voice was poised. Dignified. She spoke with wisdom and confidence, her charm and wit shining through each word. "It is my understanding that you've recently uncovered my abilities. I wish you good luck."

"Why didn't you tell them?" (Y/n) pipped up after a moment, catching Riu's attention. She stopped pacing, and slowly turned her body towards (Y/n), a cautious look in her eyes.

"It would be wise to show me some respect."

Her words were like icicles, a stark contrast to her tone only a few moments ago. (Y/n) cowered slightly, not wanting to aggravate her any further.

"Child, you've no idea the power you hold. The feeling, your body coming alive."

As she spoke, her eyes flickered violet, and her body started to rise. The gems along her robes lit up with her, and her voice deepened, like a separate entity was taking over.

"Let it consume you. Let it live. Let it play."

Her mouth contorted into a malicious grin and (Y/n) could feel the words tickle her skin. She was terrified. She was all alone, and watching one of the most powerful sorceresses cackle like an evil witch. But what scared her the most was that this same power lied deep within herself. And she was scared that one day, that would be her.

"Let me out!"

Riu's voice rang through the cave.


Confusion plastered (Y/n)'s face before she finally understood. Riu's Hauntlings had taken her over. That's why she went mad all those hundreds of years ago, and she went into hiding. She was being kept at bay by the demons in her head. She was under their control.

"What do you want?" (Y/n) asked, hoping she would start to understand what the hell was happening.

Riu's floating body had snapped its attention to (Y/n), but it was clear she wasn't talking to Riu. Much rather the entity within her.

"Well isn't it obvious? I want power."

"You've got it, haven't you?"

Her head tilted to the side, intrigued by the sorceress standing in front of her. Like a child fascinated with a new toy. Or rather, a cat amused by the squeaking of a mouse. She raised her arm to (Y/n), and (Y/n) could feel her chest lift before her feet left the ground. (Y/n) panicked slightly, having no control or clue as to what was going to happen as her own body lifted into the air.

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