cami I remever When we would build on bloxburg and i remember when u made an orphanage and it was inspired by the promised neverland and the setver was really weirf anr i remember when you would get so angry when id touch ur seasonal foods and i suggested the trap article but i dont think u did it
and i remember you introduced me to the promised neberland and i actually watched it isabella was my favorite cami !!
and i would only decorate ur builds because i couldnt do exterior and i remember when youd have panic attacks because ur money went under 1 mil and i reememeber ur little bunnies that u made with the shapes and i remember making the circus and i remember my list of build ideas for youi remember when i filled you in on the drama with mimi and amanda and i remember you deleted the circus because we built it with them
i remember the night i was on zoom taking best friend quizzes on with aaliyah whule we built , i remember not trusting the process when chelsea was making the icecream truck and regretting it from how pretty it was when she finished it
i remember us struggling with the tent and i also remember us making the corn maze and you (i think it was you) telling me i should say "congrats you made it out alive" if they finish the maze
i remember how amanda was ruining the roleplay and i remember how when i strangled her to death she said *coughs up blood* *brain falls out*
i remember when there was a guy who i codenamed new dude for some reason
i remember not understanding how codenames worked
i remember ur codename !! it was zoup , like soup but with a z instead of s
i remember aaliyah was the shadow demon
i remember how we met ! i was at mimis bloxburg house and i saw yours and thought it was cool so i asked if i could look around and i thought you were nice so i friended you
i remember so much from rhe circus
i remember the time your username was a weird font on ur plot whule we were building the circus , i actually still have the screenshot but its on my computer
i remember so much stuff bro
cami i miss you and i know what i did i know why u blocked me when i wrote that i was going through something and i was very unhinged and didnt care about boundaries and i know you wont see this because you blocked me but if you unblock me and see it dm me i promise i will explain and apologize my heart out
bunnye's aslyum
Fantasya lovely asylum in a separate universe called the void. everything is fine, the patients are happy, you are not allowed outside the gate. however, eza has come with cami and eza is disturbing the peace. fuck the description is cringe asylum concept:...