Mr and Mrs Bingleys Wedding

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I was enchanted to meet you

Cathrine Bennett was yet again another bridesmaid and not the bride much to her mother complaints.This time would not be the last as Mary was to marry Mr Collins."kitty"Lydia said again"Isn't my husband handsome"
"Very"Cathrine said drolly
"Well what about Mr Denny he would make a fine husband"
"I admire him but he would not make a good husband"
"Why do you say that kitty"
"He would not"
"Okay fine"

After the wedding ceremony she went to the wedding breakfast we're she was introduced to one mysterious gentleman called Richard Mcbriety.Who was introduced to her by Mr Denny as they were friends since childhood and Mr Denny was determined to find his fried a wife before the year was out."Miss Catherine Bennet may I introduce you to my dear friend Richard Mcbriety,Richard this is Miss Catherine"Mr Denny said.
''It is a pleasure to meet you Mr Mcbriety''Kitty said with a curtsy
''The pleasure is mine Miss Bennet''He said bowing

But during the breakfast Lydia Wickam was being far mor obnoxious as usual but then it hit Kitty that she was one day if she kept following Lydia as a role model she would never find a husband and the only reason Lydia was married is because she was caught in a comprising position.

I was so stupid,I can't believe I followed her as a role model

————————-a note—————————
Enchanted by Taylor swift

Kitty and Richards love story is a she falls first but he falls harder.I will try to post once or twice a week but there is no promises

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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