Dad's call

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(?)1:- Is everything ready

(?)2:-Yes mam


A girl entered in a meeting room

Everyone stand and greet her

She sat on her seat and the meeting starts

After meeting was over everyone started to leave the meeting room a man spoke to her

(?):-It was nice to meet you miss Kim.

This is .........

Kim Y/N

A businesswomen ,she is number one ceo of Asia at a very young age. and she is famous for her cold attitude. Here company is very famous in all around  in whole world .

She is beautiful with brain She has cold attitude towards everyone no one have ever seen her smile Age :- 24 years old Family:- father (mom died in a plane crash)Nature:- cold , emotionless,  has trust issues and savagness ,Scariest as he'll when ...

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She is beautiful with brain She has cold attitude towards everyone no one have ever seen her smile
Age :- 24 years old
Family:- father (mom died in a plane crash)
Nature:- cold , emotionless,  has trust issues and savagness ,Scariest as he'll when she is angry  and she doesn't live her enemies at all and if you mess with her get read for a most painful  death .
She is heartless monster to her enemy people also called her  Lucifer and it is also  another name for Satan
Mafia Name:- devil ( Lucifer)
Y/n is Mafia queen of underworld
But know one  knows she is the queen of underworld

Back to story

Y/n:- Same her Mr lu

Mr lu:- Hope we can collaborate Miss Kim

Y/n:- Hope so.

After that she livess the room


Ring ring ...... ......
On call
Y/n :- hello

(?):- y/n dear How are you

Y/n:- why you call me ?

(?):-Are you still angry on me

Y/n:- this is why you call me ?

(?):-I want to tell you something so can you come back.

Y/n:- "I can't", tell me on call only !

(?):- Don't you miss me y/n please came back

Y/n:- ok I will be there next week

(?) :- thank you I will be waiting for you bye

Y/n:- bye dad


After that y/n called someone

On call

Y/n :- I want every detail of Mr Kim and his girlfriend.

(?):- ok boss

Call ended

After that she again started to work on her computer

After sometime someone knocked on her cabin door

Y/n:- come in

John:- mam this are the files you ask for

Y/n:-ok ,you can leave .

After that she started to read the flies

Time skip to y/n mansion

After coming to the  mansion she went up straight to her room to get fresh and up and after taking a long shower she wore some thing comfortable and was about to go downstairs to have dinner that's when her phone rang .

Y/n prov

As I was going to have my dinner 🍽
My phone started to ring after seeing the caller I'd
I immediately picked the call


Y/n:- speak!

(?):-boss I have emailed you about there details and everything

Y/n:- ok .

After ending the call, I straight  went to dinner table.
After finishing my dinner i went my room and started to check the email in my laptop 💻

Prov end 🔚

Here Laptop And Phone

She started to read the information

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She started to read the information

__________ok bye for know ___________

#Who was he ?

#whom did she called?

#why he called her boss?

Want to know then keep reading our dangerous noona

Saranghae ❤

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