Going Back to Home

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Time skip ⏳
After a week
Y/n was in her cabin while doing some paper 📄 work 

In cabin

Y/n:- send John to my cabin

After sometime 

Knock Knock

Y/n:- come in

John:- mam you called me.

Y/n:- hmm cancel all my meetings and work and you are going to handle my work for a weeks and prepare my jet for tomorrow morning

John:- ok mam but you have an important meeting tomorrow and we can't cancel it mam

Y/n :- Okay after meeting I will be leaving to Korea.

John:-Ok mam

After that he leaves her office to do his work as per her orders.

Time skip

Y/n:- John is everything ready

John:- yes mam, your flight will be in 10 minutes

Y/n:- hmm

Time skip

After a long  flight she was finally in  South Korea .

  Y/n prov
After a long time I'm back to my home town as I have never been here after mom's death but again standing in here i fell relax and peaceful now .
Saying this she took a deep breath
And went to her car
After sometime there she was near Kim mansion

She entered  the kim mansion and the bodyguard bow to her in respect and she went inside of mansion.after sometime she was standing in front of the main door and as she enters all maids  bow to her  .
Y/n just nodded her head and called for the headmaid

Y/n :- Mrs han were is Mr Kim ?

Mrs han:-  He is in the company .

Y/n:- hmm and  I don't want anyone to disturb me is that clear.

Mrs han:-yes young madam

Saying this is went to her room to relax .

__________________________________________________bye for know____________

               See you in next chapter


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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