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THE THREE FRIENDS happily reunited after completing their plan. But whether it had been a good idea or not remained to be seen.

"Where'd you get that from?" asked Lisa, admiring Eduardo's katana.

He shrugged. "I just borrowed it. I'll clean it and put it back in the museum when we're done. If we ever are."

Solomon laughed. "That was cool! I think we got about a hundred of them."

Lisa rubbed her belly. "After all that work, I'm starving to death!"

Eduardo and Solomon looked at each other and smirked.

"Okay, since I saved the day, let's get something to eat at the cafeteria!" Eduardo led the way, while Lisa and Solomon just rolled their eyes.

They grabbed food from the counter, and then pushed past the employee gate to go to the back.

"I think this food should still be okay to eat," said Lisa, inspecting it. "Just heat it up fully in the microwave, just in case." She put several scoops of food on her plate.

Solomon looked in concern at the pot of pancit molo. "I just had a thought. What if the zombie plague is from the food we eat?"

Lisa laughed. "It doesn't work that way."

He still seemed hesitant in scooping any food on his plate, so he went around the cafeteria and grabbed some crackers, soft drink, and chips instead.

The three friends sat around the table.

"Where is everyone?" asked Lisa. "They can't have all turned into zombies." She ate a bit of her food.

Eduardo looked confident. "I believe we killed them all during our explosive ambush."

Solomon looked hesitant to say anything, looking worriedly at Lisa. She nodded.

"It's best we fill up on food and water, and then fill our backpacks with that too." She looked down at her backpack on the floor.

"Oh! I nearly forgot about that dead rat."

Solomon's eyes opened wide. "You put the dead rat in your bag?"

She nodded. "After this, I'll visit the biology lab and see if I can determine if the same zombie virus killed him, or maybe it was just rat poison that did it."

"Shouldn't we see if that fire is out yet?" asked Eduardo.

Solomon looked out the window. "It's far enough away from the other buildings that I don't think anything else will catch on fire. And most of it was brick and concrete anyway. Best to steer clear and let it burn its way out."

"Okay, let's meet back here for dinner time," said Lisa. "I have some work to do."

Eduardo looked out the window and spotted something.

"Hey, Lisa, wait a minute! There are zombies out there!"

But he was too late. She'd already opened the door.

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