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Kaede then smiled at me sweetly "Well nice to meet you Y/N i am Kaede Akamastu", Kaede then turned back to look at Shuichi "now that you know who i am Shuichi please listen to me..."





"Shut up! you are not the only one who is confused right now!", Shuichi was startled by Kaede outburst while Y/n wasn't at all looking unamused, "ah,sorry!" Shuichi said apologizing to Y/N and Kaede

Kaede then paused for a moment like she was trying to remember something, Y/N knew this was the part where Kaede will remember that she was kidnapped, "Kaede what's wrong?" Y/N asked knowing what she was thinking about, Kaede eyes went wide open as she remembered

"that's right... i was also kidnapped!" Kaede suddenly shouted, Kaede then started to explain what happened to her, "i was walking my usual route to school when all of a sudden, someone shoved me into a car..", "i shouted for help but no one came to rescue me..." 

wow...people in this world must be cruel  enough to ignore someone's call for help in public even when i know this is a game it is still sad since my world is still as cruel as this one... Y/N thought feeling sorry for Kaede and everyone else since no one helped them when they were kidnapped

"everyone pretended like nothing happened... it made me think how rotten the world is...and then i lost consciousness..and when i woke up i was inside that locker" Kaede said pointing to the bust open locker beside the locker Shuichi came out of

"same with me...were the three of us kidnapped by the same people?", most likely Shuichi since we are all in lockers in the same room" Y/n answered, "yeah it seems like it..." Kaede answered agreeing with Y/N





"but why me?" Kaede said all of a sudden

"my family not rich and i am no one special...i'm just a normal high school girl...there's is no reason to kidnap me.."

"Me either...i'm just a regular guy..." Shuichi said confused about why we three were kidnapped by some random people, "well looks like all three of us have no clue on why we were kidnapped correct?" Y/n said blending in pretending he was also kidnapped while in reality he was pulled into this game

Shuichi and Kaede nodded their heads at Y/N statement, Shuichi then went into a thinking position

"and...this is a school, right? then why did they take us to a school?" ," i wonder why..." Kaede said  

"well i guess we can figure that out later...in the meantime we should explore the school to see if there are other victims here like us" Y/N said, "that's a good idea Y/N! what do you think Shuichi?" Kaede asked Shuichi

"..sure why not...it is better than not doing anything.." Shuichi said





"anyways shuichi i just wanna say sorry for shouting at you eariler.." Kaede said as the three of us were walking down the hallways, "ah, no it's okay.. i shouldn't have yelled at you..anyways this place is weird you don't think we got caught up in something bad...do you?" Shuichi asked Y/N and Kaede, "something bad..." Kaede said

"it seems most likely..." Y/n said, "anyways.." Kaede started to say "we should find some help and get out of here...it can't be hard right? there must be help somewhere around here...", "i hope you are right Kaede.." Shuichi said





but then they all ran into a Exisal as they turned the corner

Y/N then knew this was the moment where he had to run.


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