Chapter 14: Not Forever

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A sharp knock at the door made me jump and drop my mug of freshly brewed coffee. The glass smashed against my foot and shattered against the floor. I grit my teeth and punched at the air and the door flew open as Dwayne rushed in and took everything in. I grabbed my used napkin and chucked it at him.

"Quite knocking on my door like that." I grabbed my foot and tried to rub the pain away. "Why do you have to do that? It's six in the morning."

Dwayne looked to me and then the open door. "Didn't Ryan just tell you to lock your door?"

"This isn't about the door!" I threw a fork at him. "And I'm not cleaning that up, you are." I threw the paper towels at him next and hobbled back to the table to pull my shoes on. "And where's Ryan?"

Dwayne knelt down to clean up his mess and stared much harder than he had to at puddle of coffee.

"Where is Ryan?"

"He's... getting ready for school."

"Why are you here?" I demanded. If he was coming to tell me he was going to drive me...

"I heard you scream." He offered an unconvincing smile.

"I didn't scream and I didn't have any problems until you banged on my door and scared me."

"I didn't bang on the door." He rolled his eyes at me as if I were the one being dramatic.

"I am going to go back to bed if you try to argue with me on this." My foot ached as I limped back over to the espresso machine to make a fresh cup. "And you owe me a new mug."

Dwayne finished cleaning up the floor and grabbed my bag for or the table. "Don't spill that in my car."

"Your car?"

"I will be driving you today." I reached over my and grabbed my to go cup from them cabinet. "Here, I just got my interior cleaned."

"Ryan is supposed to be driving me today." I snatched the cup for or his hand. "When did that change?"

"About an hour and a half ago when something came up."

I poured my coffee into my cup and grabbed my phone. It was possibly the pettiest thing I had ever done but as I hit Zack's number and called him right in front of Dwayne...

"Good morning, Violet." His voice slipped though the speaker like silk threads.

Dwayne's brows shot up. "What are you doing?" He whispered.

"Morning. I'm sorry to bother you, but could you give me a ride to school?"

Zack let silence fill the line for a second. "I'm sorry."

"No worries if you can't." Heat flooded my cheeks. I looked so stupid, calling someone  to get back at Ryan just for him to say no.

"I'll be there in a few minutes." He stopped my spiraling thoughts.

"But I thought you just said you couldn't."

"No." His voice sent a new wave of warmth through the phone and down my spine. "I said I'm sorry."

"Well, what are you sorry for then?"

"I'm sorry your friend is being a flake. I know how that hurts." An engine started up on the other side of the line.

"Yeah. I'll see you in a few then." I hung up and Dwayne rubbed a hand over his face.

"Why did you do that? Ryan is gonna—"

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